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Juche Idea Authored by Comrade Kim Il Sung Develops Principles of Scientific Socialism

Gabriel Martinez
Brazilian Center for the Study of the Juche Idea

Socialism is a science. This is a truth proved by the experience and course of development of the international labour movement and the revolutionary movement. Looking back on history, Karl Marx played a responsible role in turning socialism into science and formulating the theory of revolution. He analyzed reactionary essence of the exploiting capitalist system and called upon all working people and revolutionaries to turn out in the struggle to transform society in a revolutionary way.

Later inheriting and developing the Marxist theories, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party, made detailed study of the change of capitalism into imperialism and led the proletariat revolution, first in history, thus building the first socialist country. In this way, Marxism-Leninism illuminated the way ahead of millions of oppressed people over the world while dynamically promoting the popular masses’ struggle. The October Revolution gave great encouragement to the popular masses’ struggle in colonies and semi-colonies against colonial rule and dealt a decisive blow to colonial system of imperialism.

Influenced by the October Revolution, the proletarian class in Asian countries formed the Marxist revolutionary organizations for the first time. The Communist Party of China was founded in China in 1921 and the Communist Party of Korea was founded in Korea in 1925. In Korea, the first communist party was soon dissolved owing to the Japanese imperialists’ oppression and the contradictions within the party. The factionalists began to dispute contrary to interests of the working masses while dogmatically following Marxism, thus seriously disturbing development of revolutionary struggle. Such circumstances demanded the working class and revolutionaries of Korea to develop a new theory of revolution and found a new party.

Forming the “Down-with-Imperialism Union” in 1926, Comrade Kim Il Sung began to inquire into a line of the Korean revolution.

Comrade Kim Il Sung said.

The immediate task of the DIU was to defeat Japanese imperialism and achieve the liberation and independence of Korea, and its final objective was to build socialism and communism in Korea and, further, destroy all imperialism and build communism throughout the world.

Reading with avidity the Marxist-Leninist classic works, Comrade Kim Il Sung hardened his understanding of and confidence in the theory of socialism and communism. Seeing through that the outmoded method based on the mechanical imitation of others’ experience would bring about failure, he provided the basis of the Juche idea while covering independent path of the revolution.

At the Kalun meeting in 1930, Comrade Kim Il Sung delivered a historic speech The Path of the Korean Revolution. It was a historic meeting that proclaimed the founding of the Juche idea. At the meeting, he defined scientifically the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution as the character of the Korean revolution and clarified motive force and the object of the revolution. The Korean revolution, the democratic, anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution, demanded the Korean communists to organize a united front of all democratic, progressive and anti-imperialist forces embracing peasants, petty-bourgeoisie and conscientious national capitalists with the proletarians as the main. He also exposed and analyzed the factionalists’ move to be recognized by the Comintern while being hell-bent on hegemony and engrossed in disputes and deeds.

Comrade Kim Il Sung said that the Korean communist movement should lay an organizational basis for a revolutionary party and should not unilaterally form a “central party” that had no legality and relations with the popular masses. International recognition would be given to the revolutionary party by the proper work with the people and the promotion of the revolutionary movement. He revealed the Leftists’ move to cry riots and adventures that brought about only catastrophic aftermaths in the revolutionary movement and the Right opportunists’ move to oppose the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

Clarifying the tasks of the Korean revolution, Comrade Kim Il Sung put forward correct line to be held fast to by the Korean people in the revolutionary struggle. Thanks to the line, the Korean people defeated the Japanese imperialists and achieved national independence at last, founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and switched over to the socialist construction. In spite of serious trials and national division, the Korean people braved all those difficulties under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung. This proves that the Juche idea correctly reflects aspiration of the popular masses in the struggle for independence. Comrade Kim Il Sung analyzed historic limitations of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine and formulated new concepts and theories of scientific socialism.

The Juche idea is a new and revolutionary man-centered ideology. It gave scientific explanation to man’s position and role in the world. Man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness. The Juche idea explains the role of the popular masses, the subject of social history and clarifies that society advances and develops by the conscious activities and role of the subject, that is, the popular masses.

Human history is the history of the popular masses’ struggle. The popular masses can advance and develop only through the struggle against all sorts of obstacles that infringe upon their independence. Capitalism is the last system based on hostility between classes and therefore, the popular masses should destroy capitalist system and hold means of production in order to realize independence.

Comrade Kim Il Sung adhered to the steadfast Juche-oriented stand in the whole period of the protracted revolution so as to develop in depth the Juche idea.

Scientific socialism is a science that is under the perpetual course of development. It is indispensable to take a creative attitude to the doctrine as historic conditions and environments are different according to countries. If communists had applied Marxism-Leninism dogmatically in disregard of actual circumstances of their country, no revolution would have emerged victorious.

Comrade Kim Il Sung always adhered to the independent and creative stand, developed the revolutionary theory of working class and provided ideological and theoretical weapon, the guide not only for the DPRK people but for the world progressive and revolutionary people.

This year greeting the 110th birth anniversary of Comrade Kim Il Sung, we are faced with the important task of studying historic experiences of the Korean revolution gained in different stages of its development. The experiences render a big help to people’s revolutionary struggle in each country. Victory can be won in the struggle for an independent world only when we have a correct understanding of scientific socialism and apply its principles in keeping with concrete situations in our countries.

The Workers’ Party of Korea is now advancing in the van of the anti-imperialist struggle under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, holding the red flag of socialism. The WPK, the Juche-oriented revolutionary party, builds a prosperous powerful nation while reliably championing independence of the DPRK people under the banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. This is a proof of validity and vitality of the theory formulated by Comrade Kim Il Sung and a manifestation of validity of the WPK’s political line. When weakness of the capitalist system was proved by the pandemic disease spread since 2020, the DPRK, the people-centered socialist society where the popular masses lead independent and creative life thanks to the best public policy, displayed its superiority once again. This is a clear fact that cannot be covered up or distorted by the enemy of socialism and servants of imperialists. We are sure that the DPRK people will overcome all difficulties and win victory in the socialist construction as they are led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and the WPK.