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Brilliant Feats of President Kim Il Sung Will Be Forever

Dr. TinTun
Central Institute of Homeopathic Medical Science

Vitality of the leader's exploits is decided by the greatness of his ideological and theoretical exploits.

Leader's ideology and theory are immediately the significance and revolutionary role by them in shaping the destiny of the human being.

With the extraordinary ideological and theoretical wisdom and activities, President Kim Il Sung founded the Juche idea and clarified the road of shaping the destiny of the people, thus achieving historic exploits.

The Juche idea is a man-centred world outlook and the revolutionary and scientific doctrine that illuminates the road for independence of the masses.

Thanks to the Juche idea a fundamental turn was made in people's ideological and spiritual life and mode of thinking and the popular masses could have a powerful weapon for shaping their destiny.

The Juche idea is, indeed, a common treasure of humankind, and accordingly the great ideological and theoretical exploits of President Kim Il Sung who had founded the idea and clarified the path for independence will shine with the people's cause of independence.

Exploits accomplished by President Kim Il Sung before human history are immortal with the greatness of his leadership.

Great idea is turned into great reality by great leadership.

President Kim Il Sung brought about a glorious victory and epoch-making turn in the popular masses’ struggle for accomplishing the cause of independence while leading the independent politics of our era.

He embodied the Juche idea to open a new era, an era of independence in which the popular masses emerged as masters of history and their destiny.

It is the great leadership exploits of President Kim Il Sung that he provided the popular masses with the self-awareness of being masters of their destiny and the will to shape their destiny and organized and mobilized them to the struggle for independence, thus building an orbit of history in which the masses make history in conformity with their will and demand.

President Kim Il Sung wisely led the most arduous and complicated Korean revolution, thus creating a brilliant model of implementing the people's cause of independence.

It is a big leadership exploits performed by the President before the humankind that he led to victory two revolutionary wars and rehabilitations, two stages of social revolution and several stages of socialist construction to build the Korean-style socialism and advance it towards the road of victory.

Immortal exploits and rich experiences made by the President in leading the Korean revolution to victory became a powerful driving force in pushing ahead the revolutionary struggle of the progressive people aspiring for independence.

President Kim Il Sung set forth the global independence as a common task of the world progressives aspiring after independence and wisely led the struggle for its realization.

Thanks to his wise leadership, the anti-imperialist independent force was rapidly increased and strengthened and dynamic struggle is being conducted for a new world in which the national independence of all countries will be completely realized.

It is a great contribution made by President Kim Il Sung to the people's cause of independence.

His great leadership exploits, which made the 20th century full of epoch-making turns and moving events, will be immortal along with history.

As the era of independence is immortal, so the exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung before the era and the mankind will be immortal along with history.