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Comrade Kim Il Sung’s Revolutionary Doctrine Provides Mental and Moral Guide for World Anti-Imperialist Struggle in 21st Century

Dmitri Lemizob
Rostov Association for the Study of
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Russia

Today in the first half of the 21st century, the world people are again faced with the task to put an end to imperialist domination. This task was newly presented at the end of the 20th century when the socialist countries collapsed by the temporary rise of the world reactionaries. Under such new conditions, the anti-imperialist fighters must study experiences gained in the 20th century by the revolutionary forerunners who defeated imperialists with success. Of all the revolutionaries, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, holds a prominent position.

Comrade Kim Il Sung defeated the imperialist forces in the northeast Asia and built socialism, the model for the progressive people who turned out in the struggle of a new phase against capitalism.

Studying Comrade Kim Il Sung’s revolutionary history will render help to the work of building a new large contingent of revolutionaries who assume the duty of frustrating imperialism in the 21st century.

Comrade Kim Il Sung’s reminiscences With the Century enable us to know well the early situation when the principles of the communist revolutionary movement were worked out in the northeast Asia in the 1920s.

In his reminiscences, Comrade Kim Il Sung wrote that saying that something is right or wrong, sitting in an isolated room without making an attempt, is not a characteristic of communists.

His is of weighty significance for the young people in modern times, who approach capitalism with critical eyes while recognizing the ruin of the system based on private ownership. Many intellectuals are skeptical about the capitalist world and, to my regret, engage in dialogs or disputes on internet. Criticism of the capitalist society in such a narrow sphere of dialog or dispute is of no significance. Even though they understand the purport of the on-going processes and the law of historical development, if they fail to apply their knowledge in practice and, furthermore, if they do not make efforts to lead the processes correctly, what is the necessity of keeping dialogs or disputes?

It is the life of communists to come out of an isolated room and embark on the road of resistance and struggle.

Comrade Kim Il Sung wrote in his reminiscences that a man who has embarked on the revolution should strive to the end to achieve his set aim without being swayed by temporary sentiments or whims.

When one embarks on the revolution, he has already become a new man. Such a man says good-bye to the conventional life. Those, who gave favorable impressions on others in the past, may stand on the other side of a barricade. They are on the enemy’s side. If an individual’s good impression has no relation with revolution, one must shake it off and a viewpoint on a certain person must be established by judging which side he stands in a decisive moment.

The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said that, however clever and useful a person may be, he will become ignorant of the world, his thinking ability will decrease and his view of life will get rusty if he coops himself up at home, away from social activities.

A revolutionary devotes his all to the struggle for human liberation. Furthermore, a fighter struggling for freedom cannot coop himself in one’s private life or home but take his daily living more serious than the great aim of victory of revolution. A family cannot and must not disturb social life. If one has become a snob and divorced from social life at present, even though he was a fighter in the past, he cannot stir up any passions except sympathetic feelings. Such person is a vulgar person who is little short of an insect.

A man must not become such a snob.

Comrade Kim Il Sung said that the life of a revolutionary can be said to begin with his going among the masses and the failure of the revolution with a failure to believe in the strength of the popular masses and a neglect of mixing with them.

It is a big mistake for a revolutionary to regard him as a special person different from the “ignorant masses”. It is a law of historical development that a vanguard turns out in the struggle first and then the broad masses of the people follow the vanguard. Those people who fail to understand essence of the on-going processes at present will tomorrow be true to the appeal of the leader and turn out in the struggle if they accept the revolutionary idea.

Comrade Kim Il Sung always found himself among the people. He was always with his people. This guaranteed successes in his political activities.

Comrade Kim Il Sung defined the young people and students as a fully-fledged main force of the revolution free from the old view that had considered workers and peasants as the motive force of the revolution.

Education had been the “elite” one in the period when Marx and Lenin were unfolding theories. Between the 19th century and the early 20th century, common people could study for a few years in primary school affiliated with church in Czarist Russia.

The world situation changed in the 20th century. Education became more democratic and the young people from common families could study at colleges and universities.

In the period of the 1920s-1930s when Comrade Kim Il Sung spent youthful days, changes were made in the northeast region of China (it was densely populated by the Korean people) as well as in Korea.

Comrade Kim Il Sung regarded the youth and students as an important force in organizing the communist revolutionary movement.

Relying on the young vanguard does not mean forgetting the tradition of the preceding generations. Experience of the preceding generations enables us not to commit errors but make progress.

Comrade Kim Il Sung’s revolutionary doctrine provides us with mental and moral guide for the future world anti-imperialist struggle in the new 21st century. Each continent of the world is now holding the banner of revolutionary struggle again.