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Immortal Ideological and Theoretical Exploits of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

O. Mashbat,
Mongolian Association for the Study of Juche Idea–Songun Idea

President Kim Il Sung founded the Juche idea, a new revolutionary idea in reflection of requirements of a new era of history, the era of independence.

Revolutionary idea that illuminates the road ahead of the times and revolution is founded in reflection of requirements of the relevant historic era.

The era of Juche is a new era of history fundamentally different from all preceding historic eras. The era of Juche is a new era of history in which the masses of working people who had been oppressed and humiliated in the past became masters of the world to hew out their destiny in an independent and creative way. This is the fundamental feature of the era of Juche which is fundamentally different from all preceding historic eras.

The era of Juche required a new man-centred philosophical thought that provides the popular masses with the view that they are the masters of the world and their destiny, a new people-centred theory of revolution that illuminates the way of fully realizing the masses’ independence and a revolutionary leadership method that enables the masses to fulfill their responsibility and role of master in the revolution and construction.

Practice of the Korean revolution urgently required the creation of a new revolutionary idea, the guiding ideology. The issue of blazing the trail for the revolution in an independent and creative way was all the more important in the Korean revolution because of peculiarity of historical development and arduous and complicated nature of the revolution.

In view of the developing revolutionary movement in a new era, the President comprehensively analyzed and reviewed situation of the then national liberation movement of Korea.

At that time some elites were engrossed in empty talks instead of arousing the masses in the revolutionary movement and intended to make revolution by depending on others being obsessed with flunkeyism and dogmatism. This was the essential weak point of the then national liberation movement of Korea.

President Kim Il Sung drew serious lessons from the weak point of the then national liberation movement of Korea and took a new road, the road different from that of the bigoted nationalists and pseudo-Marxists, flunkeyists and dogmatists and, in this course, discovered the truth, that is, the two starting points of the Juche idea.

One of the starting points is that people are masters of the revolution and the revolution can be victorious only when they are educated and mobilized.

Another of the starting points is that revolution should be made with one’s faith and responsibility and all problems in the revolution solved in an independent and creative way.

Based on the truth, the two starting points of the Juche idea, President Kim Il Sung clarified the principles of the Juche idea and put forward the Juche-oriented line of the Korean revolution at the Meeting of Leading Personnel of the Young Communist League and the Anti-Imperialist Youth League held at Kalun in June 1930.

This was a historic event that declared the founding of the Juche idea, the new guiding ideology of the revolution in the era of independence.

Chairman Kim Jong Il systematized and developed comprehensively the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung, as required by the developing era of independence and the revolutionary practice.

In order to further develop the Juche idea, Chairman Kim Jong Il paid deep attention to the theoretical development of basic principles of its philosophy.

The Chairman provided the formulation that man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness.

The Chairman comprehensively systematized the socio-historical principles that put forward the masses of the people as the subject of social history on the basis of man’s essential characteristics and the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything.

The Chairman also systematized it as the guiding principles of the Juche idea that the independent stand should be maintained, that creative methods should be applied and that main stress should be put on ideology.

On March 31, 1982, the Chairman made public On the Juche Idea, a classic work that integrates the Juche idea perfectly.

In the work, the Chairman included such broad and profound contents of the Juche idea as the origin, the philosophical principle, the socio-historical principles and the guiding principles of the Juche idea and systematized them in an integral way.

The Chairman’s work On the Juche Idea caused a big sensation of not only among the Korean people but among the world people.

The work was carried on over 10 million copies of publications in more than 90 countries of the world and published in booklet in 144 countries in less than a year after its publication.

Prominent figures in different countries and progressive people highly praised the work as the “new Communist Manifesto in the 1980s” and a “basic text of philosophy for realizing the popular masses’ independence”.

Thanks to the Chairman’s energetic ideological and theoretical activities, the Juche idea, the revolutionary idea of the President, was developed into an encyclopedia of the era that gives the most correct and principled explanations to all theoretical and practical problems arising in the era.

Formulating the revolutionary idea of the great Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, General Secretary Kim Jong Un expounded that Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is, in essence, the people-first doctrine.

Thanks to Leader Kim Jong Un, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism could be glorified as the guiding idea of the revolution in the era of Juche with eternal viability.