Congratulatory Speech at the Extraordinary

    Ministerial Conference of Non-Aligned Countries

    on South-South Cooperation

    June 9, 1987

    Esteemed delegates,

    Comrades and friends,

    Today an Extraordinary Ministerial Conference of Non-Aligned Countries on South-South Cooperation, the first of its kind, is being held on a grand scale at a time when the aspirations and desire of the developing countries for international solidarity and cooperation are very strong. This is an important event for the Korean nation and other peoples of the non-aligned countries.

    This meeting is being attended by ministers and other high-rank¬ing people from many non-aligned countries of different continents. This shows that the governments and peoples of these countries are strongly in favour of and enthusiastic about South-South coopera¬tion. It is also a clear expression of the excellent friendly relations between Korea and other non-aligned countries.

    It gives me great pleasure that this conference is being held in Pyongyang, the capital of our country, in accordance with the deci¬sion of the Eighth Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Coun¬tries. I would like to offer a warm welcome to the delegates from the non-aligned countries, to the delegates from international orga¬nizations and to all our foreign friends who are attending this con¬ference.

    I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, the home nation of the present chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, and to the governments and friends of all the other countries who have cooperated wholeheartedly in successfully convening this extraordinary ministerial conference.

    It is of great importance for the ministers of the non-aligned coun¬tries to meet in this way, analyse and appraise the suc¬cesses and experience gained in South-South cooperation in recent years, and seriously discuss measures and ways for developing South-South cooperation so that it can become broader and stronger. This extraordinary ministerial conference held in Pyongyang will serve as a great opportunity to develop South-South cooperation, establish a new, fair international economic order, and strengthen the friendship and solidarity between the non-aligned countries. This conference will be an inspiration to all the progressive people who are struggling to uphold justice, preserve peace and achieve indepen¬dence throughout the world.

    I am convinced that, through your active participation and com¬bined efforts, this conference will hold useful discussions on the items on the agenda so as to meet the expectations of the peoples of the non-aligned and developing countries through the results that are achieved.

    Comrades and friends,

    The development of South-South cooperation is now a matter of the greatest urgency for the non-aligned and developing countries.

    Since World War II the peoples of many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have freed themselves from colonial fetters, have won political independence, and have embarked on the road of inde¬pendent development. But there is no small number of developing countries whose peoples have not yet achieved economic independ¬ence and are experiencing a series of economic difficulties in build¬ing new societies. In many of the non-aligned and developing coun¬tries the evil consequences of imperialist colonial rule have not yet been eliminated. Worse still, new economic problems are growing daily because of the imperialists’ neocolonialist policies and the pre¬sent unfair international economic system.

    The present international economic system is a product of colo¬nialism. It is a system whereby the Western monopolies enrich them¬selves. Today the imperialists are pursuing the predatory policy of profiteering at the expense of the developing countries by using their monopolistic position in international economic relations. As a result, the natural resources of the developing countries and the fruits of their peoples’ labour are being snatched away cheaply by the developed capitalist countries, the huge foreign debts of the develop¬ing countries are growing all the time, and the living conditions of their peoples are going from bad to worse. The gulf between the poor, developing countries and the rich, developed nations is becom¬ing wider as the days go by, and the trend of “the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer” has now become more aggravated worldwide.

    If the developing countries are to extricate themselves from their present difficulties and build independent, new societies, they must break free of economic subjugation and build independent national economies.

    Economic independence is the material basis of a nation’s inde¬pendence and sovereignty. It is only when they achieve economic independence that the developing countries can maintain a complete¬ly independent stand, exercise full sovereignty in foreign relations and consolidate the political independence they have won.

    South-South cooperation is a noble undertaking for the develop¬ing countries to achieve economic independence through mutual eco¬nomic and technical assistance, and by meeting each other’s needs. It represents a new form of international economic relations based on their common aspirations and interests. South-South cooperation is, in essence, an international movement of the peoples of the political¬ly independent, developing countries to win their economic freedom and sovereignty.

    By expanding South-South cooperation, the developing countries will be able to free themselves from economic subjugation and dependence, and build independent national economies. If South-South cooperation is successful it will make the present unfair inter¬national economic system ineffective, establish a new, fair interna¬tional economic order and, furthermore, have a favourable influence on improving North-South relations.

    There are many conditions and opportunities to effect South-South cooperation. Because they share the same lot and the same aspirations, the developing countries have a common interest in real¬izing South-South cooperation. They have enormous manpower and inexhaustible natural resources as well as a certain amount of valu¬able experience and skills that can be exchanged amongst them. If the non-aligned and developing countries employ all these conditions and opportunities properly and work together, South-South coopera¬tion will be effected successfully.

    Since the start of its historic advance, the Non-Aligned Move-ment has always paid close attention to strengthening economic cooperation between developing countries. Thanks to the positive initiatives and efforts of many non-aligned and developing countries, the political guidelines on economic cooperation between the devel¬oping countries have been set out, and a detailed programme of action and several decisions on economic cooperation have been adopted at the Non-Aligned Summit Conferences and other interna¬tional meetings. Projects for cooperation are now under way in many spheres. Needless to say, these are valuable achievements in the real¬ization of South-South cooperation. But this is only the beginning of South-South cooperation when we consider the enormous potential of the developing countries and their real needs. As all of us admit, South-South cooperation is not being undertaken far beyond the bilateral or regional scope; it is proceeding within limits.

    The non-aligned and developing countries should take measures for a full-scale development of South-South cooperation, and increase economic and technical cooperation and exchanges rapidly.

    If there is to be a full-scale development of South-South cooperation, the non-aligned countries must strictly observe the principles of collective self-reliance, complete equality and mutual benefit, on the basis of maintaining independence.

    Collective self-reliance is the common ideal and principle for the peoples of the non-aligned countries in their struggle to shape their destinies for themselves in a spirit of unity and cooperation. The masses of the people have to forge their own destiny. To this end, they must unite and cooperate with each other not only within their own coun¬tries, but also on an international scale under the banner of self-reliance. It is only when they adhere to the principle of collective self-reliance that the peoples of the non-aligned countries can rid themselves of their dependence on the developed countries and expand South-South cooperation effectively in the spirit of indepen¬dence and solidarity.

    All economic relations between the developing countries must be established according to the principles of complete equality and mutual benefit. It is an important feature of South-South cooperation to help one another and promote exchanges on completely equal terms and in such a way as to benefit everyone concerned. If biased and unequal terms are permitted in economic relations between developing countries, it may result in one country encroaching on the interests of another, and, further, in creating a new relationship of subjugation and dependence between developing countries. This will contradict the basic idea and aim of South-South cooperation. The non-aligned countries must develop economic and technical coopera¬tion and exchanges from the point of view of genuinely helping each other and promoting each other’s interests, irrespective of the size of the countries concerned and the degree of economic and cultural development, so that South-South cooperation can be a model of the fairest and most equal international economic relationship.

    I consider it reasonable to develop South-South cooperation by putting it into effect in those areas where it is urgently needed and feasible, and by extending it one step at a time, while accumulating experience and consolidating the successes.

    It is now of great importance to effect South-South cooperation properly in the fields of trade, currency and finance.

    South-South cooperation is an economic relationship between countries that are not rich. Therefore, it must be fundamentally different from that sought by the rich countries. Trade and other economic relations between the developing countries ought to be gen¬uinely cooperative relationships in which none of the parties con¬cerned is pursuing only its own needs and interests.

    The non-aligned countries must establish a Global System of Trade Preferences so that trade between the developing countries can be rapidly expanded in conditions beneficial to them all. Barter can be regarded as the best form of trade between these countries. This and other forms of trade must be expanded according to the interests of them all on the principle of mutual accommodation. I am of the opinion that when they engage in economic cooperation and joint ventures, it is reasonable that each partner should receive the repay¬ment of his capital and the return on his investment in goods pro¬duced by the enterprise or country concerned, as far as possible. When one developing country makes a loan to another, it should be offered at either a low rate of interest or interest free; high rates of interest should be avoided, so as to give substantial assistance to the borrower’s economic development.

    We deem it necessary to develop South-South cooperation in agriculture so that self-sufficiency in food can be attained.

    A large number of developing countries are not yet free from hunger and poverty, and the imperialists are trying to subordinate these countries economically and dominate them politically by using food as a weapon. Therefore, the developing countries must improve agriculture and solve the problem of food. This is important in deliv¬ering their peoples from hunger and poverty, and in defending their independence. The non-aligned countries must set the inspiring objective of achieving complete self-sufficiency in food as soon as possible, and achieve it by undertaking joint ventures in agriculture through various ways and means, and by cooperating with each other closely in the construction of irrigation systems, in the improvement of farming techniques, in research into agricultural science and in the production of farm machinery. This is the most suitable type of coop¬eration for them.

    In many developing countries the people still suffer from disease as a result of imperialist colonial rule. This situation demands the immediate strengthening of cooperation in health work in these countries. In order to eliminate disease and preserve the health of the people, the non-aligned and developing countries should work hard to cooperate and promote exchanges in the advancement of both modern and traditional medicine, and in the expansion of the produc¬tion of medicines, and organize and operate hospitals and the like widely under joint management.

    South-South cooperation in the field of science and technology is very important for the developing countries in making economic and technical progress.

    If they cooperate and promote exchanges effectively in the field of science and technology, the developing countries will be able to solve a considerable number of the scientific and technological prob¬lems that arise in building a new society, free from dependence on developed countries, which is very costly. They must cooperate in every possible way, exchanging technicians, experts and technical data with each other in the sincere and noble spirit of cooperation. The non-aligned countries should not request high remuneration when they send technicians and experts abroad, and should offer technical data and the like free of charge.

    In addition, the non-aligned countries must expand and develop cooperation and exchanges in the exploitation of natural resources, in industry, education and many other spheres.

    At the moment, it is most important for the developing countries to find a reasonable solution to the problem of foreign debts.

    This problem has a serious effect on the social and economic life in these countries and on the world economy. Unless they are relieved of the heavy burden of foreign debts, they will not succeed in building new societies, particularly independent national economies. There may be different ways of solving the problem. We consider it reasonable that this issue should be settled through bilat¬eral or multilateral negotiations between the debtors and the creditors in such a way that the period of debt repayment is extended free of interest until such time as the developing countries involved can repay the loans through building their own independent national economies.

    South-South cooperation is an undertaking of the non-aligned countries themselves to promote their common interests. In order to expand and develop it to the full, all the non-aligned countries should have a common understanding and attitude towards it, increase polit¬ical support for each other and strive to put the cooperation into effect. These countries should work hard to implement the decisions and programmes of action adopted by various international confer¬ences in connection with South-South cooperation, and constantly explore and develop positive forms and means of broadening its scope and enhancing its effectiveness.

    The prevention of war and the defence of peace is the most important task facing the Non-Aligned Movement at present, and only when world peace and security are secured can South-South cooperation develop smoothly.

    All the peoples of the developing countries oppose war and desire peace. Today they need a climate of peace in order to build a new society. It is only when peace is secured that they can accelerate economic construction and build independent national economies.

    The Non-Aligned Movement is a powerful anti-imperialist peace force. The non-aligned countries must make even greater efforts to check the arms race, effect complete disarmament, abolish aggressive foreign military bases and establish nuclear-free peace zones throughout the world.

    Many progressive governments and peoples throughout the world have made constructive proposals to prevent war and preserve peace, and are endeavouring to put them into effect. The government of our Republic fully supports these just proposals and initiatives made by many countries to reduce armaments, abolish nuclear weapons and establish nuclear-free peace zones, and expresses its firm support for the powerful anti-war, peace movement of all the peoples in different continents and regions across the world.

    The strengthening and development of the Non-Aligned Movement is an important factor in consolidating the bond of friendship between the non-aligned countries and in making South-South coop¬eration a success. It is only when this movement is strengthened and developed that we can foil the imperialists’ schemes for aggression and intervention, protect the sovereignty of the non-aligned countries and settle all issues that arise in international relations, including the question of developing South-South cooperation and establishing a new international economic order, in the interests of the newly-emer-gent countries. The non-aligned countries must uphold the noble ide¬als and principles of the Non-Aligned Movement, and work hard to strengthen its unity and solidarity, so that the movement can fulfil with credit its mission that is of such importance to our times and mankind.

    The government of our Republic considers it a sacred duty to fight for the strengthening and development of this movement, and for the success of South-South cooperation. In its external economic relations, it always pays close attention to increasing economic and technical cooperation with non-aligned countries, and is striving to establish cooperation in the field of agriculture in particular. We have set up institutes of agricultural science and experimental farms in some African countries, have accumulated a certain amount of experience in running them and, are working on plans to expand cooperation with African countries in agriculture.

    The economic and technical cooperation which is expanding and developing between our country and other non-aligned countries will not only help Korea in its socialist economic construction but also other non-aligned countries in their endeavours to build independent national economies.

    The government of our Republic will, in the future, make every effort to strengthen and develop its friendly and cooperative relations with the non-aligned countries under the banner of independence, friendship and peace, and will sincerely discharge its duty and responsibility in the noble work of South-South cooperation.

    You are the distinguished guests of our people. Our people are happy to have friends such as you from different continents. During your stay in our country you will experience our people’s warm feel¬ings of friendship towards the non-aligned countries.

    With the hope that you will make unremitting, sincere efforts for success at the Pyongyang Extraordinary Ministerial Conference, I wholeheartedly wish you great success in your future work.