Today, October 17, is the 56th anniversary of the formation of the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.
With the formation of the DIU our people's revolutionary struggle embarked on a new road of development and our Party began to strike its glorious roots.
Our Party has traversed the glorious course of struggle for over half a century since it took root with the formation of the DIU; and on this road it has scored many of the most brilliant ac
By leading the people our Party ac
For its immortal exploits on behalf of the country and the people, the age and history, our Party enjoys the unreserved support and confidence of all the Korean people.
With the monolithic ideological system firmly established throughout, our Party has been strengthened more than ever before, both organizationally and ideologically, as the tested General Staff of the revolution and, convinced of the justness of its cause and certain of victory, it is successfully guiding the cause of modelling the whole of society on the Juche idea.
Ours is a glorious party with a long history, a revolutionary party which has carved out a new trail for progress.
A working-class party is the General Staff of the revolution and the organizer of all victories. Without party guidance, the working class and the masses cannot win the revolutionary battle. The Korean revolution which had suffered difficulties in the early communist movement, badly needed a militant party which would be able to lead the revolution to victory, overcoming all obstacles. This urgent requirement of the Korean revolution was admirably fulfilled when the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung came to lead the revolution.
Having assumed the role of helmsman of the Korean revolution in the grimmest days of Japanese imperialist rule, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, with a view to exploring a new revolutionary road, conceived a plan to form a revolutionary vanguard organization which, under a correct programme, would carry out the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle relying on the masses and, in 1926, he formed the DIU.
The formation of the DIU was a historic declaration of a fresh start for the Korean communist movement and the Korean revolution. Now, the Korean communist movement and national-liberation movement bade farewell to the old generation, contaminated by flunkeyism and dogmatism, and welcomed a new age based on the principle of independence. The establis
The struggle to build a revolutionary party which began with the DIU, took on a new impetus as a result of the formation of the Young Communist League of Korea by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung. The YCLK was not just a youth organization. Since a new generation was appearing in the communist movement in our country at that time, it was a revolutionary vanguard organization which was given the task of exploring the road for the Korean revolution and which gave unified guidance to many anti-Japanese mass organizations.
Because the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung formed the DIU and the YCLK in the second half of the 1920s and led our revolution, the defects of the early communist movement were remedied, many communists of the new generation matured and the founding of a revolutionary party in our country became the first priority.
At the Kalun Meeting held in 1930, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung set forth the Juche-inspired line of the Korean revolution and explained a unique way of founding a revolutionary party.
The most important aspect of this policy put forward at this meeting was to establish a party independently.
Maintaining independence is a fundamental need of the communist movement. This movement is a struggle to accomplish the independence of the masses of the people in each country, and it is the communists and the people of the country themselves who are the ones who carry it out, the masters of this struggle. Founding a working-class party in each country is also a task which the communists of the country should necessarily carry out by their own efforts as the masters.
The policy of founding the party independently also accorded with the requirement of the international communist movement which had entered a new phase of development. Now that the revolutionary struggles of the working class and masses were being carried on extensively and in a diverse way on a worldwide scale, the revolution in each country would not be advanced correctly unless the communists of that country conducted it responsibly and independently. This demanded that party founding in each country also be undertaken by the communists of the country through their independent efforts and on their own responsibility.
Another important aspect of the party founding policy set forth at the Kalun Meeting was to form grassroots party organizations first and found the party by means of expanding and strengthening them and make preparations for party founding in close combination with the anti-Japanese struggle.
Previously, it had been usual for a revolutionary working-class party to be founded by uniting communist groups which were operating in isolation or as the result of a revolutionary faction seceding from a social democratic party. However, it was impossible to follow this course in the circumstances in our country. At the time those who called themselves communists were mostly factionalist-flunkeys who looked to foreigners and indulged in factional strife to the ruin of the party. It would be utterly impossible to establish a revolutionary party by "reconstructing" the party which had already been dissolved or by relying on the old generation who were infected with factionalist-flunkeyism.
In order to inaugurate a revolutionary party, it was necessary to break away from the old party and the old generation, polluted with factionalism and flunkeyism, develop new communists of the new generation, ac
The party founding policy proposed at the Kalun Meeting was a correct one which reflected the real needs of the international communist movement and our country.
In accordance with this policy put forward by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the work to set up party organizations was actively pursued after the Kalun Meeting.
In the early July of 1930 in Kalun, Comrade Kim Il Sung formed the first party organization with young communists of the new generation. This was the first party organization governed by the Juche idea, a glorious party organization which was the origin of our Party.
With this first party organization as the parent body, Comrade Kim Il Sung expanded party organizations in different areas.
Thanks to his dynamic guidance and activity, a party organization was established in the area of Onsong with activists of revolutionary organizations at the beginning of October 1930, and within a short time many grassroots party organizations appeared within the armed ranks and in east Manchuria on the Tuman River and in the area along the northern border.
While expanding and strengthening grassroots party organizations, work was actively stepped up to establish a system of guidance for party organizations aimed at providing them with unified leadership. As a result the system of guidance of party organizations from county party committees to party cells in villages was established. In the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army party committees were formed and active in the regiments, party cells in the companies and party sub-teams in platoons.
In particular, as the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army was reorganized into the Korean People's Revolutionary Army in March 1934, radical measures were taken by which the Party Committee of the KPRA was formed to supervise and control not only party organizations at different levels within the units, but local party organizations as well.
The formation of the KPRA Party Committee was an event of great importance to the Korean communist movement and the building of our Party. It was now possible to set up a unified system of guidance for party organizations at all levels and carry out the anti-Japanese armed struggle and the building of party organizations more vigorously by relying on better organized internal revolutionary forces.
Drawing on the successes ac
At this meeting Comrade Kim Il Sung summed up the work of building party organizations in the first half of the 1930s and put forward a policy for the forceful introduction of this work on a nationwide scale to lay solid organizational and ideological foundations so that the founding of the party could be proclaimed as soon as an appropriate situation was created.
In accordance with the policy put forward at the Nanhutou Meeting, Comrade Kim Il Sung ensured that party organizations at all levels within the KPRA were built up and also that party organizations were expanded in the homeland and in the areas inhabited by Koreans in Manchuria. With the intention of strengthening guidance to these organizations, he set up the Party Working Committee in the homeland, the Changbai County Party Committee and the Party Working Committee in East Manchuria. As a result, party organizations were rapidly expanded in a wide area of Manchuria and in the northern border area of our country, and a well-regulated system of guidance to party organizations was established.
Party organizations were increased throughout the country, and a unified system of guidance for party organizations was established, ranging from the Party Committee of the KPRA to local party organizations. This firmly ensured the unitary guidance of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung for all party organizations and the revolutionary movement in our country as a whole.
The founding of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland in May 1936 was an event of historic significance in firmly rallying all levels of people, including workers and peasants, around the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and in cementing the mass foundation of the party. The ARF was an anti-Japanese national united front organization to which party guidance was guaranteed. Party organizations and communists rallied broad sections of the people in the ARF and actively mobilized them to the struggle to implement the Juche-motivated line of the Korean revolution. With the founding and rapid expansion of the ARF more communists were trained, the mass foundation of the party considerably strengthened and fresh progress was made in giving party leadership to all sections of the people.
In this way, during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, our Party organizations were formed in the ranks of the KPRA and over a vast area at home and abroad and were, for organizational purposes, firmly welded to the Headquarters of the Korean revolution. Thus the leader's guidance, party guidance, to the whole Korean revolution was successfully ac
The most important thing in party leadership to the revolutionary movement is to make a scientific analysis of the situation created at each stage and put forward a correct line and policies, strategy and tactics and thus clarify the road of struggle.
The party's line and policies, strategy and tactics are put forward by the leader and they are discussed and decided upon at party meetings. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung devised the immortal Juche idea; and applying this idea at each stage, he proposed a correct line, strategy and tactics for the Korean revolution at the meetings of party and Young Communist League cadres and military and political cadres. This was a firm guarantee for ac
Another important thing in party guidance to the revolutionary movement is to strengthen its kindred ties with the masses and organize them to implement the line and policy set forth by the leader.
At that time the mainstream of the Korean revolution was the armed struggle, and it was basic to party guidance to lead this struggle to victory. The party organizations formed within the KPRA rallied party members and guerrillas behind the leader, explained and brought home to them his revolutionary line, strategy and tactics and ensured that they were thoroughly implemented. Meanwhile, the party organizations in different areas at home and abroad rooted themselves deeply amongst the broad masses and creditably played the role of educators and organizers, who mobilized the workers, peasants, young people and students and other sections of the people on the side of the anti-Japanese struggle.
Because the Korean communists and people had these party organizations and fought under their guidance, they could give momentum to the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle and accelerate its final victory despite unprecedented difficulties.
After the country's liberation the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, on the basis of the successes and experiences he had personally accumulated in party building during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, lost no time in setting up party organizations in different areas, and, on October 10, 1945, founded the Central Organizing Committee of the North Korean Communist Party. This was a historic event in accomplishing the cause of Party founding which had been carried on for many years under his guidance. Our Party shone forth all over the world as a revolutionary working-class party of a new type guided by the Juche idea, and our people were able to push ahead confidently with the building of a new society under its leadership.
Following liberation our Party, as a ruling party, developed in a new direction.
The course of the building of our Party in power was that of expanding its ranks and consolidating it organizationally and ideologically. The most urgent requirement was to develop the Party quickly into a mass party. Only when the Party was developed in this way and deeply rooted among broad sections of the working masses, would it be possible to mobilize all the masses and guide political, economic, cultural and all other affairs, thereby dynamically speeding up the construction of a new country.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, showing a deep insight into the prevailing situation and the inevitable need of our Party's development, put forward the unique organizational line of building it as a mass party and inaugurated a unified party of the working masses by merging the Communist Party with another party of working people.
To develop the Communist Party into a mass party was an urgent requirement of our developing Party and revolution, which accorded with the situation in a new era. In the new situation where the masses of the people emerge as masters of history, the revolution is not only participated in by the working class but also by broad sections of the peasantry and working intellectuals. Only when a working-class party in power rallies all these people and provides them with unified leadership, can it successfully carry on the revolution and construction. Particularly in our country, which had been a colonial, semi-feudal society in the past, it was a highly important strategic problem to draw the peasantry and working intellectuals as well as the working class into the revolution and construction. As the Communist Party grew organizationally and ideologically strong and the revolution progressed after liberation, the Party had to be developed into a unified mass party which could rally the broad working masses as a political force and mobilize their strength. It was a task which was brought to fruition. Our Party merged with another working people's party in time and accepted a large number of advanced elements of the peasantry and working intellectuals, together with those of the working class, so that it firmly ensured the unity of the working masses, developed closer ties with them and pushed ahead with the revolution and construction successfully by mobilizing many people of various strata.
An important task arising in building our Party as a mass party was to consolidate its quality in order to keep pace with its rapid growth in numbers.
The Second Party Congress held in March 1948 accepted this need for an improvement in quality as a matter of cardinal importance in the building of a mass party, and advanced an overall task for this purpose—strengthening Party cells, improving its ideological work and guaranteeing its organizational and ideological unity. Through the struggle to implement the Party's policy on this subject as put forward at its Second Congress, the organizational and ideological work was improved, all the cells strengthened to become vital militant units and the level of the rank and file and cadres was raised. In this way the quality of the Party ranks was consolidated, its unity and cohesion increased and the militancy of its organizations and its leading role were improved.
The 1950s was a period of historic significance in the development of our Party as a party of a Juche type.
The Fatherland Liberation War against US imperialist invasion was a harsh trial for our Party. In order to ac
Even in the grim wartime conditions the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung convened the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Meetings of the Central Committee of the Party and guided the Party to correct deviations and shortcomings in Party building and Party work promptly and strengthen itself organizationally and ideologically. The Third Plenary Meeting remedied the loose practices which were revealed during the temporary retreat and established revolutionary discipline within the Party, and the Fourth Plenary Meeting eliminated the "Leftist" deviation manifested in its organizational work and increased and consolidated its ranks. The Fifth Plenary Meeting in particular brought about a new change in strengthening the Party organizationally and ideologically by arousing all its organizations and membership to the struggle to temper the Party spirit of its members, fortify its unity and solidarity in opposition to factionalism and establish Juche in its ideological work.
As a result of these timely measures to strengthen itself, our Party was able to survive all ordeals and be victorious in the Fatherland Liberation War.
In the postwar period our Party effected a radical change in establishing Juche and cementing its unity and cohesion.
We rehabilitated the national economy in a short period after the victorious war, but the situation was still difficult. To make matters worse, the factionalists who had remained in the Party adopted revisionism and challenged it. The prevailing situation urgently demanded that the Party be strengthened organizationally and ideologically under the banner of Juche.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung called the Third Party Congress in April 1956 and set forth the very important task of opposing factionalism in the field of Party building, preserving its unity and solidarity and improving its organizational and ideological work. At the August 1956 Plenary Meeting of the Party Central Committee, he wisely led the struggle to expose and destroy the anti-Party, counterrevolutionary factionalists who opposed the Party. All the working people and Party members including the anti-Japanese revolutionary veterans who were infinitely loyal to the respected leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, determinedly countered the manoeuvres of the anti-Party, counterrevolutionary factionalists and firmly defended the Party and the leader. The historical significance of the Third Party Congress and the August 1956 Plenary Meeting in the strengthening of our Party lies in the fact that these meetings opposed all anti-Party, counterrevolutionary ideological elements including those of factionalism and revisionism and upheld the banner of Juche, the banner of Party unity and solidarity. After these meetings our Party established Juche more firmly in its work and further increased its unity and cohesion. Because it thus rebuffed factionalism and revisionism promptly, established Juche firmly and preserved its unity and solidarity, our Party was able to raise the revolutionary banner high without vacillation and strengthen itself organizationally and ideologically even in the face of the complex situation at home and abroad.
Our Party reached a new, higher stage of development in the 1960s.
The establis
At that historic moment, the Fourth Party Congress was held, during which the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung put forward the very important task of further strengthening the Party organizationally and ideologically and increasing its leadership role. In particular, he stressed the need to oppose revisionism, factionalism, regionalism and nepotism and preserve the unity of the Party's idea and purpose so that all Party members and organizations would think and act as the Party Central Committee did, cast in their lot with it and struggle to the end in whatever difficult circumstances there might be. Through the struggle to implement the tasks related to Party building proposed by its Fourth Congress, the Party further consolidated its unity and solidarity, enhanced its leadership role and made remarkable progress in improving its work method and style, re-educating the masses and uniting them around it. In particular, the 15th Plenary Meeting of the Fourth Central Committee of the Party held in May 1967 became an opportunity to effect a decisive change in establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system.
In the 1970s a great new change was made in the development of our Party.
The Fifth Party Congress held in November 1970 defined it as the general task of Party work: to establish a monolithic ideological system throughout the Party and, on this basis, fortify the unity and solidarity of its ranks. The congress set forth the very important task of the proper conduct of work with people, which is fundamental to Party work. We steadfastly carried out the general task of Party work put forward by the Fifth Congress and thus laid a solid organizational and ideological basis on which to continue to strengthen our Party and carry forward our revolutionary cause to completion.
The Party's cause continues from generation to generation, and it must preserve its revolutionary character until it fulfils its mission. If it is to keep this character throughout generations and carry out its noble mission, a working-class party must far-sig
Looking into the future of its development and that of the revolution, our Party laid down the strategic policy for transforming the whole of society in line with the Juche idea and, as its precondition, strove to accelerate the modelling of the whole Party on the Juche idea.
This is a new, higher level of establishing its monolithic ideological system. Our Party defined infinite loyalty to the Party and the leader as an essential quality of its membership and subordinated all its activities to establishing its monolithic ideological system. In this way it steeped itself in the Juche idea, the monolithic ideology, and, on this basis, further cemented the unity of idea and purpose amongst its ranks. Our Party paid particular attention to building up the backbone of the revolutionary forces. It strengthened the ranks of cadres on the principle of combining the elderly, the middle-aged and the young, regarding their loyalty to the Party and the leader as the basic criterion of their qualification. It intensified the training of cadres and members in Party spirit by enhancing their sense of organization and putting Party life on a regular and routine basis. Through the struggle to carry out the Party's policy for a cadre revolution and the policy of making the whole Party a party of cadres, which is aimed at raising the political and professional levels of cadres and Party members, the ranks of our Party and cadres were further strengthened, and the backbone needed to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche was created.
Our Party developed in depth the work of establishing its monolithic ideological system and cementing the ranks of the Party and cadres in close coordination with the establis
The success ac
Our Party has travelled a glorious road of struggle under the banner of Juche and has been further trained and seasoned in the process.
In the whole course of its leadership of the revolutionary struggle and the work of construction, our Party has always found the key to success in the strengthening of the Party and consolidated itself organizationally and ideologically above all, and thus defeated the manoeuvres of the enemies within and without, further strengthened the revolutionary ranks and led the revolution and construction to brilliant victory at all times, overcoming manifold difficulties and trials.
The Korean communist movement, which pioneered the revolutionary road under the banner of the DIU, is now at a very high level where it strives for the ultimate victory of the revolution, bringing the cause of modelling the whole of society on the Juche idea to the fore. Our Party, the organizer and leader of this great endeavour, has grown into unbreakable fighting ranks which are stronger than ever in terms of ideology and organization and in its ties with the masses. Today our Party has a firm organizational and ideological basis on which it can develop for all time as a revolutionary party of a Juche type, as well as a strong leadership system capable of gloriously advancing the revolutionary cause of Juche. This is a sure guarantee that the revolutionary cause initiated by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung can be carried on to its consummation.
Our Party which has followed a unique path since it started to take root with the formation of the DIU is a new type of revolutionary working-class party.
Ours is a Juche-type revolutionary party which is guided by the Juche idea and carried out its revolutionary activities independently and creatively in keeping with the interests of our people and conditions in our country. By establishing Juche thoroughly in all spheres of Party building and activity with the Juche idea as its unalterable guide, it has been able to strengthen and develop into an indestructible revolutionary party.
Basically, it is essential for a working-class party to establish Juche, whic
It is important for a working-class party in establishing Juche to eradicate flunkeyism and dogmatism. In our country, particularly, where flunkeyism and dogmatism were rampant and did great harm to the communist movement, establishing Juche posed a vital question relating to the destiny of the Party and the revolution. During the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle and in the periods of democratic and socialist revolutions and socialist construction after liberation, the Korean communists always strove persistently to combat flunkeyism and dogmatism and establish Juche. As a result, they could strengthen and develop the Party and advance the revolutionary struggle.
In the years of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle the flunkeyists tried to found a party with the approval of others and ac
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who has fought against flunkeyism and dogmatism since the early years of the revolutionary struggle against the Japanese, has given wise leadership so that Juche is being established more thoroughly with the development of the revolution and construction. Upholding the revolutionary policy on establishing Juche, our Party has waged a vigorous ideological struggle to eradicate the flunkeyism and dogmatism which still remain in people's minds and, in the meantime, it has ensured that they are equipped firmly with the great Juche idea and Party policy, its embodiment, and thus observe and judge all problems from the Juche-oriented stand and resolve them by their own efforts. Through the struggle to establish Juche, a change has been effected in the ideological life of Party members and working people, the Party's unity and cohesion based on the Juche idea have been further strengthened, and a continued improvement in the revolution and construction has been brought about.
Under the slogan of modelling the whole Party on the Juche idea, our Party is now intensifying the battle to establish Juche in Party building and activity and is thus further perfecting its character as a revolutionary party of a Juche type.
Ours is an invincible revolutionary party which has firmly established a monolithic ideological system throughout its own structure.
Establishing this system is our basic line of Party building. It is an essential requirement of a working-class party to ensure the unity of ideology and leadership. This is effected by establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system. Only when this is done can the whole Party be armed with the leader's intention and become a living organism, breathing and acting in conformity with his idea and will.
It is important in establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system to pervade the whole Party with the leader's idea.
The leader is the embodiment of the organizational will of the whole Party and his idea is explicitly the guiding ideology of the Party. The ideological unity of the Party is brought about only on the basis of the leader's idea.
Our Party regarded education in the monolithic ideology as its basic ideological task and carried it out energetically. As a result, a single ideology has prevailed throughout the Party, and all its members have been armed firmly with the leader's revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, and have come to think and act as required by this idea.
Another important factor in establishing the monolithic ideological system is to ac
The leader is the supreme controller of a party, and the party's leadership is precisely his leadership. Our Party has set up a well-regulated system under which all its organizations and members act as one man under the unitary leadership of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, give absolute authority to Party policies and defend and implement them without question.
By thoroughly establishing the monolithic ideological system in its ranks our Party increased its strength as never before, and was able to lead the revolution and construction straight to victory through all difficulties.
The progress of the revolution calls for further strengthening the work of establishing the Party's monolithic ideological system. This is a law which governs the development of the Party and the revolution. The whole course of our Party's existence is the process of in-depth development of this work. Our Party defined new principles of establishing its monolithic ideological system and strengthened this work to meet the needs of the revolution in the 1970s when the proposition was put forward that the whole of society should be modelled on the Juche idea. Today our Party has grown into loyal ranks, and the whole membership thinks and acts according to the will of the Party and the leader, united firmly around the great Comrade Kim Il Sung. This is the most valuable ac
We are a powerful party which has ac
The unity and solidarity of Party ranks is the source of a revolutionary party's strength. A united party is indestructible, and nothing is more precious in building a working-class party than its ranks' unity and cohesion.
Unity and cohesion are brought about through struggle. The struggle against anti-party tendencies is, in essence, a reflection of the class struggle within the party. Without mounting a resolute and uncompromising attack against anti-party tendencies and alien elements, the unity and purity of the party ranks could not be assured. Our Party has constantly strengthened the unity and cohesion of its ranks, overcoming all kinds of alien elements and anti-Party tendencies, including factionalism.
Factionalism was the first target of the campaign for our Party's unity and cohesion. The revolutionary ranks led by Comrade Kim Il Sung during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle overcame factionalism and they all united closely behind him. This is an invaluable tradition of our communist movement which was established during the bloody struggle to shape the destiny of the country and the people. But the factionalists who had become traitors and philistines slipped into the communist ranks in the chaotic situation after liberation and viciously worked to undermine the unity and cohesion of the Party. In an attempt to accomplish their factional plot they did not hesitate to collaborate with imperialists.
If factionalism were to be tolerated, the unity of a working-class party in idea and purpose could not be ac
The struggle for the unity and cohesion of the Party did not end with the defeat of factionalism which had persisted for many years. After clearing out this filth, our Party went on to fight the anti-Party revisionists and developed its historic struggle for unity on a higher level.
The unity and cohesion of our Party are great and unbreakable because the entire membership is united around the great Comrade Kim Il Sung and because they are based on its infinite loyalty to the Party and the leader. The leader is the centre of the Party's unity and cohesion, and its strength depends on how firmly the entire membership is united behind him. The unity and cohesion of our Party are not just ac
The unity and cohesion of our Party are great and unbreakable because they are based on unity of idea and purpose. The important thing in the Party's unity and cohesion is to ac
Our Party is so strong because of its great unity and cohesion based on the Juche idea and centring on the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.
We are a steel-like party with a strong organization and discipline.
Revolutionary organization and discipline are the life and soul of the party, the highest organization of the working class and the weapon of the class struggle and the weapon of the revolution and construction. Only when iron discipline and organization are guaranteed, can the working-class party be a truly revolutionary and militant party and win the revolutionary struggle, in the face of all difficulties and trials. As history shows, a party dominated by liberalism and indiscipline is doomed to failure.
Because of its unbreakable organization and discipline our Party is powerful and invincible. The organization and discipline of our Party are durable and strong because they are founded on the membership's infinite loyalty to the Party and the leader and its high degree of political awareness.
Organization and discipline are strengthened when a revolutionary system of Party life is established throughout the Party and that life is regularized and standardized among its members. Our experience clearly shows that the regulation and standardization of Party life and the strict observance of the rules and order of inner Party life are a powerful means for revolutionizing Party member and making them better organized and disciplined and for strengthening and developing the Party into a revolutionary one with great fighting efficiency. Through the struggle to regulate and standardize Party life, the Party members' sense of organization has been enhanced and a habit has been firmly established of all working and living in strict dependence on Party organizations. This is a valuable ac
Our Party is an invincible party which maintains close ties of kinship with the masses.
The Party labours for the interests of the working class and other masses of the people and carries out the revolution by organizing and mobilizing them. Accordingly, maintaining close bonds of kinship with the broad masses and becoming deeply rooted amongst them is particularly important in the building of a working-class party. Only a party which strikes its roots deep among the masses and enjoys their support and trust and which knows how to organize and mobilize them can demonstrate an invincible might and discharge its mission as the General Staff of the revolution and the political leader of the masses of the people.
Keeping in touch with the masses is important for a ruling party, too. If the party has taken power, this problem is not solved automatically. If the party in power is divorced from the masses and loses their support and confidence, it also becomes impotent and even endangers its own existence.
Since he set out on the revolutionary road, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung has regarded the ties with the masses of the people as a fundamental problem related to the future of the revolutionary organization. For a long time he has always been among the masses and shared the good things and the bad with them. He has made it an iron rule to trust the masses and promote the revolution and construction by giving rein to their strength and wisdom.
Our Party saw to it that officials and its members raised their Party spirit, working-class spirit and popular spirit, served the people faithfully and thoroughly implemented the mass line in all their activities, thus constantly strengthening the ties between the Party and the masses. In work with people our Party firmly adhered to the class principle and built up its class position. On the other hand, it educated broad sections of the masses, boldly drew them into its fold and united them firmly behind it.
Today our Party maintains its close ties with the people and enjoys the unreserved support and confidence of people of all backgrounds, and our people entrust their destiny entirely to the Party and fight on without hesitation along the road which it specifies. As has already been said, our Party forms a perfect whole with the people. No wonder it is invincible and no force can break its close bonds of kinship with the people.
Our Party established a well-regulated system of work with people and established a revolutionary method of work and a popular style of work throughout the Party.
All activities of the party, a political organization of the working class fighting for the interests of the masses of people, are realized through work with people. The party gets people to act voluntarily, thus transforming society and nature and advancing the revolution and construction.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung put forward the idea of making work with people basic to Party work. This is a great idea which clarifies the fundamental principle of Party activity by incorporating the Juche idea in Party building. Only by making work with people its key policy can the Party prevent its work from being reduced to administrative-technical work, and maintain its nature as a political organization and fulfil its militant role and function properly.
Our Party opposed the tendency to reduce Party work to administrative-technical work, a tendency which may appear in a party in power, and resolutely carried through the policy of making work with people basic to Party activity.
Establishing the revolutionary method of work and the popular style of work is a serious and important question arising in the building of a working-class party.
In particular, when the party takes power, an inclination towards bureaucracy may appear, the inclination to issue orders and instructions from a position of power. A bureaucratic attitude is more likely to be shown by officials who have developed in a tranquil atmosphere without undergoing revolutionary trials.
By its nature, this is a despotic method of administration which is used by the ruling class in an exploiting society. It is fundamentally opposed to the real nature of a working-class party. When officials do not have the revolutionary method of work and popular style of work and are infected with bureaucracy, the party line and policies, however correct they may be, cannot be carried out and this leads to serious consequences—estranging the party from the masses and dampening their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity.
Since it came into power, our Party has considered it to be a fundamental matter in Party building to improve the method and style of Party work and it has always paid great attention to this.
The basic policy maintained by our Party in improving the method and style of Party work is to establish the anti-Japanese guerrilla work method throughout the Party. This method created in person by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung during the arduous anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle is a true communistic work method. Carrying this forward is the true way to eradicate bureaucracy, the abuse of power and all other mistaken methods and styles of work left over from the old society and establish the revolutionary method of work and popular style of work conforming to a socialist and communist society.
Our Party's traditional anti-Japanese guerrilla method of work has been embodied and improved in conformity with the new conditions of socialist construction, through the great Chongsanri spirit and method. In a nutshell, the Chongsanri method is a work method of relying on the strength of the masses; it is a revolutionary work method by which one goes among the masses, shares the good times and the bad with them and carries out projected tasks by drawing on their conscious enthusiasm and creative initiative. In the course of implementing the Chongsanri spirit and method, our Party work has been completely turned into work with man and its work method and style have been radically improved.
Improving the method and style of Party work is a campaign to eliminate obsolete ideological elements from the minds of officials. So it should be waged tirelessly and patiently over a long period. Our Party accepted this as a central task to improve its work method and style in keeping with the new requirements of the developing revolution and has waged a vigorous all-Party struggle to this end. As a result, the anti-Japanese guerrilla method of work has been embodied in all Party work and the way of Party work radically improved. The revolutionary spirit beats throughout the Party, all work is carried out energetically, and relations between the Party and the masses have become unbreakable.
Our Party has been strengthened and developed into a revolutionary party which advances, united with the masses, and a militant party which has its roots deep amongst them and enjoys their unreserved support. This is one of the most precious ac
Our Party is, indeed, a glorious revolutionary party of a Juche type, a party which was founded and acts, guided by the Juche idea, a party in which the monolithic ideological system has been firmly established and whose members have been united rock-firm on the basis of the Juche idea; a party which maintains close ties of kinship with the masses of the people and strives to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche by improving their role.
To strengthen and develop our Party still further into a revolutionary party of a Juche type is a decisive guarantee for overcoming all obstacles and bringing the revolutionary cause of Juche to completion.
Today our Party is confronted with the important revolutionary task of promoting the shaping of all society on the Juche idea and carrying through the cause of national reunification. We must reunify the country at all costs, whatever difficulties lie ahead of the revolution, and work through generations to come for the consummation of the revolutionary cause of Juche. This requires that we should steadily strengthen the Party and raise its leadership role.
The Party is a weapon of the revolution and construction and the guiding force of a socialist and communist society. Without strengthening the Party and raising its leading role and function, we cannot successfully advance the revolution and construction and run the socialist and communist society properly. A socialist and communist society is not an anarchistic society, but a highly organized one. In order to manage such a society, there must be political leadership of a guiding force with the strong ability of organization like a party. Without coherent political leadership, it is impossible to ensure unity in the ideology and action of the masses of the people and organize and direct man's activities in the common interests of society.
Even after a communist society is established, the struggle continues to abolish the old and create the new in various spheres of social life. Through this struggle society keeps developing. Without the leadership of a guiding force like a party, we are not properly able to carry out the work to educate people, improve social relations, conquer nature and ensure the steady progress of society.
As long as capitalism and imperialism remain on the globe, even after communism is established in one country or some regions, we cannot be free from the danger of aggression from outside enemies and the resistance of internal enemies who are hand in glove with them. Only through the leadership of a guiding force like a party can we smash the activities of hostile elements who encroach upon the interests of the masses and reliably protect their independent and creative life.
In view of the position held and the role played by a party in carrying on the cause of socialism and communism, we must build the Party in a methodical way. This can be ac
Imbuing the Party with the Juche idea is the consistent policy of Party building maintained from the start by our Party which was established with the Juche idea as its guiding idea. The process of the building of our Party is a process of patterning it on the Juche idea. Imbuing all Party members with the Juche idea is a continuation and a higher stage of our Party's historic struggle to model itself on that idea.
Imbuing all Party members with the Juche idea means, in essence, strengthening and developing our Party for all time into a party of Comrade Kim Il Sung.
Strengthening and developing our Party into the party of the great Comrade Kim Il Sung implies having him eternally at its head and holding fast to his ideology and line and implementing them throughout all generations.
The respected Comrade Kim Il Sung is the great leader who has, for the first time in their history of several thousand years, been acclaimed by our people; he is the teacher and father of our Party and people.
Upholding the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung for all time is the noble duty of Korean communists and is based on their unalterable revolutionary conviction.
It is the revolutionary conviction of the Korean communists that they can surmount any difficulties and emerge victorious without fail, only when they follow his guidance. This conviction has been firmly formed by our people through their own experience gained in the arduous struggle of more than half a century, from the period when they began to page a new way of revolution under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Il Sung.
Since the dawn of our revolution Korean communists have believed that they could carve out the thorny revolutionary road only under the leadership of the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, and have won victories, overcoming all trials, and lived and fought wit
The revolutionary conviction of the Korean communists and people who remain faithful to the respected leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will never be shaken.
We must see to it that all Party members, working people and the generations to come hold the respected leader Comrade Kim Il Sung in hig
Our Party was founded and developed by Comrade Kim Il Sung. Korean communists are the revolutionary soldiers who have grown up under his care. Remaining unwaveringly loyal to the leader who has brought them up is a natural communist obligation.
We must continue to strengthen and develop our Party into a revolutionary party whic
This is the fundamental point which we must always grasp firmly in building our Party.
We must, above all, steadily deepen the work to establish the monolithic ideological system throughout the Party.
This is a task we must continue for ever, as long as the Party exists and flourishes.
Today our Party has entered a new stage of development. Our revolution is assuming a protracted and arduous nature and generations are changing among our revolutionary ranks. The internal and external position of our revolution is tense and complicated. The present situation calls for the establis
In establishing the monolithic ideological system in the whole Party it is a fundamental requirement to develop all Party members and working people into ardent revolutionaries who are loyal to the Party and the leader.
We believe that everything in Party building and Party work depends, above all, on our loyalty to the Party and the leader. Today our Party emphasizes the allegiance of the young communists and the guerrillas during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, as an example in leading Party members and working people to become infinitely loyal to the Party and the leader. In the grimmest days when our People were straining under Japanese imperialist oppression, they practised loyalty to the great Comrade Kim Il Sung with a revolutionary faith that they could shape the destiny of the country and the nation and win the revolution only when they followed his leadership. Party organizations must conduct their work with the main emphasis on getting all cadres and Party members to uphold and follow the Party and the leader wholeheartedly and faithfully like the anti-Japanese revolutionary fig
We must strongly defend the traditions of Juche and carry them forward without tarnishing their purity.
Our Party's traditions of Juche are the great Comrade Kim Il Sung's ideology and theory, his revolutionary exploits and battle experience, and his method of work. They are infinitely rich and valuable and are eternally vital for the strengthening and development of our Party and for the victory of our revolution, because they were established in the course of a prolonged, unprecedentedly sharp and complex struggle. Because it inherited the traditions of Juche our Party was able to strengthen and develop on the most solid organizational and ideological groundwork and advance victoriously, breaking through the rugged road beset with trials and difficulties. The future of our Party also depends on how we defend and carry forward these great traditions.
We must make not only the present generation but also the coming generations hold the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's ideology and theory as the eternal guiding ideology and theory of the Party, stoutly defend his revolutionary exploits, experience in struggle, revolutionary method of work and popular style of work and splendidly carry forward and complete the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Protecting and constantly strengthening the unity and cohesion and purity of the Party is a crucial matter which concerns the destiny of the Party and the revolution. We must defend and strengthen our Party's great unity and cohesion through all generations.
Under the wise leadership of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, and through its protracted struggle, our Party has ac
However, we must never be satisfied with the successes ac
Party organizations must ensure that all cadres and their members are fully conversant with our Party's experience of the anti-factional struggle. This will enable them to have a keen Party and class outlook at all times and uncompromisingly combat all unsound elements which undermine the Party's unity and cohesion, such as factionalism, nepotism and parochialism. Throughout the coming generations we must preserve the unity and cohesion of our Party and revolutionary ranks which are united as one around the leader on the basis of the Juche idea and must enforce our iron discipline under which all Party members act as one under the direction of the Party Central Committee.
All Party members should be fully prepared as communist revolutionaries of a Juche type.
Our Party members are vanguard fig
This is all the more important in view of the fact that generations are changing within the Party ranks today. The Party can be successfully handed on only when Party life is strengthened. This is because the Party ranks are constantly replenished as the days go by with new generations who lack Party tempering.
Party organizations should run the new system of Party life established throughout the Party efficiently, so as to improve the standard of Party life of the members and steadily temper the Party spirit of all cadres and members.
An intensified struggle should be continued to improve the method and style of Party work, so that the leader's work method will be established more thoroughly throughout the whole Party.
As there can be no other idea than the leader's in our Party founded and trained by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, so there can be no other work method and style than the leader's work method. However, the old work method and style still remain in the Party, thereby harming its work.
If the Party fails to eliminate the old work method and style, it will gradually lose the support and trust of the masses of the people and estrange itself from them and, in the long run, have to face difficulties. We should decisively put an end to the old work method and style, bearing in mind that correcting the method and style of Party work is a serious problem on which the fate of the Party and the revolution depends.
In order to correct the work method and style, officials should establish a revolutionary mass viewpoint and acquire popular personality characteristics. Party workers are out-and-out defenders of the interests of the working class and other masses of the people, and are their faithful servants. Party workers should regard their subordinates and the masses as their true revolutionary comrades, love them wholeheartedly, share the good and the bad times with them, and uncomplainingly devote everything to them.
If they are to improve the method and style of Party work, they have to learn the Juche-oriented theory and methodology of Party work. These are unique subjects whic
We must remember that if a working-class party fails to overcome bureaucratic and administrative tendencies, it will be disqualified from leading the revolution, so we have to continue to wage a stubborn struggle to eliminate the old work method completely. In this way we ought to make our Party a motherly party which is always infinitely loyal to the working class and the masses of the people, and the standard-bearer of the masses which is united with them and powerfully drives the revolution and construction forward at their head.
The success so far ac
Broad vistas are now opened up before our Party, and our revolutionary struggle is becoming more fruitful. We must never rest on our laurels, but continue to fight vigorously for fresh victories. Hewing out the revolutionary road through struggle is our Party's traditional revolutionary characteristic. We have to continue fighting stubbornly along the road of revolution started on Mt Paektu and thus bring to successful completion the revolutionary cause of Juche, the cause of socialism and communism.
Victory and glory are always in store for our Party and people fighting for the consummation of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the wise leadership of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.