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DPRK People’s Struggle for Independent National Economy in Past Period

    The people in the DPRK had strived to build an independent national economy in the past period true to the line of building an independent national economy put forward by President Kim Il Sung.

    President Kim Il Sung said.

    “The Government of the Republic set the line of building an independent national economy, and has adhered to the revolutionary principle of self-reliance. As a result, it has built an admirable independent national economy fed with our own raw materials, run by our own skills and our own cadres and comprehensively developed and equipped with modern technology.”

    The DPRK people strived to develop economy of the country into the diversified and integrated one.

    In order to build the diversified and integrated economy, it is imperative to develop light industry and agriculture simultaneously while giving priority to the growth of heavy industry.

    The DPRK people channelled big efforts also into the development of light industry and agriculture that had been the most backward sectors in the past, along with the building of the modern heavy industry, the main sector in building an independent national economy.

    In order to build their own modern heavy industry with the machine-building industry as a core, the DPRK people made dynamic efforts while resolutely overcoming mysticism about technique and harmful views on the “international division of labour” under the banner of self-reliance and thus built powerful machine-building industry capable of producing sufficient modern machinery and equipment needed in the national economy. In order to lay a solid base of their own light industry, they removed the backwardness of light industry to build large-scale central light industry factories and the middle- and small-scale local light industry factories so that they could meet domestic needs for consumer goods with their own production.

    They also made vigorous efforts to dynamically hasten the technical revolution in the rural areas under the powerful support of industry and expand arable land systematically and thus laid material and technological foundations capable of achieving self-sufficiency of food.

    As a result, the DPRK could establish diversified and comprehensive production structure of the economy.

    The DPRK people also strived to solve the problem of raw materials with their own efforts and technology.

    It is unable to develop economy on a solid and stable basis in case it depends on other countries for raw materials.

    Under the wise leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the DPRK people put forward a goal of securing 60-70% of domestic production of raw materials in all industrial sectors.

    Priority was given to the mining industry in order to exploit the natural resources extensively, thus steadily expanding and strengthening domestic raw material bases. Great efforts were channelled into the production of iron, steel and fibre on the basis of local raw materials so as to fully secure their domestic production.

    The DPRK people also strived to train their own technical cadres.

    After liberation, Korea lacked its own technical cadres. The issue of native technical cadres presented as an acute problem from the beginning of the efforts to build a new society and an independent national economy.

    In training its own technical cadres, the DPRK paid deep attention to the training of new technical talents of working people origin while educating and remoulding the old intellectuals.

    Though everything was in short and hard universities and many other colleges as well as study-while-work system and other superior education system were established in a short period under the wise leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea, so that all the people could receive higher and secondary technical education.

    Thanks to the establishment of a diversified and comprehensive independent national economy based on its own resources and raw materials and the successful settlement of the issue of native cadres, the DPRK people could hold in their hands a treasure sword capable of developing the economy with their own efforts without moving in any world economic fluctuations.