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Working People’s Right to Labour Ensured in DPRK

    In the DPRK working people’s right to labour is firmly guaranteed by the Socialist Labor Law.

    All working people choose occupations according to their desire and talents and are provided with stable jobs and working conditions by the state.

    All citizens have the right to asking for certain occupation from the state and the state has the legal obligation to provide all citizens with occupation. Manpower distribution by the authorized state organs serves as a reliable guarantee that substantially provides the working people with occupations.

    Unemployment is gone forever in the DPRK.

    All citizens’ employment is not refused or they are not dismissed for the reason of social affiliation, gender, religious belief, nationality, etc. In case citizen’s right to labor is unfairly violated, the violated right to labor is restored by the state organ through complaint procedures.

    The state provides the working people with enough rest to recover them from energy wasted during the labor process and protects their life and health through universal free medical care system and progressive labor protection system.

    Working age in the DPRK is from 17 and juvenile labor is strictly prohibited. Working hour is 8 hours a day in average and according to heaviness and particular conditions of labor daily working hour is set to be 7 or 6 hours.

    The socialist labor law legalizes the working people’s right to rest and stipulates various forms of rest and modes of their provision to protect the right to rest.

    In the DPRK every material and cultural wealth gained by labor is entirely allotted to prosperity and development of the country and promotion of their well-being.

    The state correctly enforces the socialist principle of distribution according to quality and quantity of work done and systematically improves the material and cultural life of the working people.

    In the DPRK labor is regarded as the most dignified and honourable and the people work displaying voluntary enthusiasm and creativity for the prosperity of the country, the welfare of the people and their own happiness.