Education and public health play an important role in promoting growth and health of children.
The DPRK thoroughly ensures the children’s rights to education and public health on the principle of raising all children into the ones sound mentally and morally and strong physically by further consolidating and developing the universal 12-year free compulsory education system and complete and universal free medical care system.
In education sector the DPRK children are provided with the right to free universal 12-year compulsory education and the right to developing hope and talents.
The DPRK builds decent school educational institutions and public educational institutions and runs them properly so that all children can learn to their heart’s content. In any case such acts as neglecting or discriminating the children’s personality, verbal insult, reproving, humiliating and assault are not allowed. Press and other institutions concerned publish and disseminate all sorts of books including textbooks, reference books, literary works necessary for the children’s growth and education in accordance with the children’s psychology and needs. The children lack of the parents’ or guardian’s care are raised at baby homes, orphanages and schools at the state expense.
In public health sector the DPRK children receive rights to benefits of the complete and universal free medical care system.
All expenses necessary for preventing and treating the children’s diseases, checkup and laboratory examination, medicine, hospitalization, transportation to sanatorium, medical checkup, consultation, vaccination and remedy apparatus are fully covered by the state.
Public health guidance organs and provincial people’s committees assign the medical workers to day nurseries, kindergartens and schools and fully provide them with medical apparatus and medicines and build children’s hospitals and wards specialized in preventing and treating their diseases and run them properly, thus bringing up the healthy children.
Institutions and enterprises concerned direct big efforts on producing and providing more quality nutrients, nutritive foods and daily necessities needed for children’s growth on a planed basis.