The DPRK has set up in Pyongyang and provinces universities of education and teacher-training colleges to train teachers in the sector of general education in a planned and systematic way.
The general educational workers in the DPRK are included by teachers who are in direct charge of and conduct education and edification of students with relevant qualifications and by officials who give guidance to the teachers.
Central education guidance organ and other relevant organs constantly improve and strengthen the teacher-training system to fully meet the demand for teachers in the sector of general education, and select the students for teacher-training and assign the graduates who finish teacher-training course.
Teacher’s qualification in the sector of general education is granted to those who graduated from university of education and teacher-training college and to those who attained a fixed level after receiving teacher-training education. Teachers make active efforts to possess of hig
Central education guidance organ and people’s committees in provinces establish refreshing system for teachers to regularly give short-term course classified by schools and subjects. General education organs regularly organize inspection of classes at work, teaching contest, exhibition of experimental apparatuses and teaching aids and the like to constantly improve their teaching ability.
General educational workers in the DPRK made active contributions to developing education of the country and making all the people well versed in science and technology with sound ideas, profound knowledge, hig