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New History of Gold Mountains, Fields and Seas Made by Great Leadership

    New history of gold seas is being made every year in the DPRK along with gold mountains and gold fields.

    Mountains are covered with all kinds of fruits filling the whole country with their aroma, fields have bumper crops and big fish haul provides the people with rich dietary life--these are the gold mountains, gold fields and gold seas.

    The people’s happiness gets bigger and sound of their laughter becomes higher. This is true meaning of the new history of gold mountains, gold fields and gold seas.

    How material wealth of society makes contribution to the popular masses is a criterion appraising superiorities of a relevant social system. The more the material wealth makes genuine contribution to the people, the more the social system becomes superior.

    Capitalism is clamouring about its advantage and national strength while advocating “material prosperity” and “high growth”.

    However, the capitalist system is paradise for the rich but hell for the masses of the people. In capitalism 1 per cent of tiny handful of privileged class live in pleasure and gratification, but 99 per cent of absolute majority of the working masses live in constant uneasiness and fear. Fear of unemployment, exploitation and hatred of man by man caused by the law of jungle, uneasiness of life caused by corrupted society where money is everything, etc. are predominant in capitalist society. The capitalist society is now clamouring about “material prosperity” but such material prosperity is not for the masses and luxurious high scrappers in the capitalist society are pleasure only for the rich. No matter how much money and wealth the capitalist society may have, they are “national strength” and “prosperity” only for 1 per cent of the society.

    The capitalist countries advertise loudly their material prosperity and superiority, but no one can find any genuine prosperity that brings pleasure and optimism to the broad working masses.

    The people are provided with every material wealth in society and lead happy life envying nothing in the world, which is possible only in socialist Korea that has the great leader of the people who considers it as his noble idea to make devoted, selfless efforts for the good of the people and devotes his all to happiness of the people.

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said.

    “The Workers’ Party of Korea will, in the future, too, endeavor to fulfill its heavy yet sacred mission as a motherly party that, full of infinite vitality and untiring zeal, invariably works with affection for the people and devotes its all to their interests. It will also remain boundlessly faithful to its basic duty of taking full responsibility for their destiny, whatever the storms.”

    New history of gold mountains, gold fields and gold seas is made in the DPRK by the great leaders of the Korean people.

    President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un are the people’s leaders who created the new history of gold mountains, gold fields and gold seas to provide the people with happy life.

    President Kim Il Sung covered steep mountains to turn all mountains of the country into the gold mountains, the treasure mountains for the people’s happiness, thus creating new history of gold mountains.

    Chairman Kim Jong Il initiated the grand plan of turning lands of the country into the lands of socialist Korea and gave field guidance to land administration sites realizing the new history of gold fields.

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un who regards the people’s happiness as his biggest pleasure and wish added more brilliance to the new history of gold mountains and gold fields and gave field guidance to several fishery stations to make a new history of gold seas.

    Thanks to the peerlessly great men, the great creators of happiness, the new history of gold mountains, gold fields and gold seas has been made and the people are leading happy life without envying in the world.