Socialist culture is created and enjoyed by the popular masses.
Socialist culture is created by the popular masses in accordance with their intrinsic desire.
The popular masses are the most intelligent and powerful beings in the world. In human history, the creators of not only material wealth but mental and cultural wealth were the popular masses in every society.
That all cultural wealth are created by the masses doesn’t mean that all of their creations extensively reflect the popular masses’ demand and desire.
In exploiter society the ruling class forced the masses to create the culture that justifies their class domination and anti-popular ruling orders and reflects their indolent and depraved life, vulgar likings and the anti-popular ideological feelings of maltreating and despising the working people.
The popular masses make efforts to create progressive and popular culture that reflects their independent desire and demand comprehensively.
The socialist culture is created by the masses with creative wisdom and talents and by comprehensively reflecting their demand and desire.
Socialist culture is created by the popular masses, who have been trampled down by the reactionary exploiting class, the dominating class for a long period of time even though they were the creators of the culture, but are now displaying wisdom and talents and comprehensively reflecting their independent demand and worthwhile struggle and life of frustrating everything outdated and reactionary and building a new society and a new life.
Socialist culture is enjoyed by the popular masses.
Creators of culture should naturally be its enjoyers. But the popular masses never have been the enjoyers even though they were creators in the whole period of exploiting society. In the exploiting society all spiritual and cultural means and wealth were the monopoly of the ruling class.
Different from the culture of exploiter society, the socialist culture is created and enjoyed by the popular masses.
In socialist society all cultural organs and spiritual and cultural means and wealth serve the popular masses by training them into spiritually and physically more powerful beings and making them enjoy beautiful and sound cultural life to their hearts’ contents while satisfying their cultural needs in civilized conditions and environments.
Possessed of noble ideological feelings and high standard of scientific and technical knowledge, healthy physical strength and noble moral traits, the popular masses who became the masters of culture in socialist society lead socialist cultural life to their hearts’ contents in the most civilized condition while continuously creating and developing various and rich spiritual and cultural wealth in accordance with the enhancement of their cultural and emotional demand.
This tells that the socialist culture is created and enjoyed by the popular masses.