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Pyongyang, Cradle of Korean Nation

Pyongyang became the cradle of the Korean nation because it is one of cradles of mankind and human culture with an excellent location for man to live.
The oldest remains which prove birth of mankind in Korea were unearthed in the Pyongyang area and human fossils which belong to each stage of development of human evolution are distributed intensively in Pyongyang area.
The world leading fossil men are distributed in Korea in large number and most of them are centralized in the Taedong River basin centring on Pyongyang. In this region, the course of development of human evolution, in which ape-man developed into Paleolithic man and the latter developed into Neolithic man making the first man just separated from an anthropoid have perfect appearance of modern man, has been continued.
In the Neolithic age, the Pyongyang area, one of the cradles of mankind, became the cradle of the Korean nation. In the Neolithic age the Korean inhabitants who left intaglio created their own peculiar culture, which is vividly distinctive from those in the Huanghe basin, China who created the same farming culture as the former and those in the Siberian area who created comb-teeth patterned vessel.
Neolithic age culture in the Taedong River basin with Pyongyang as a center played a pivotal, leading and vanguard role in the Korea’s culture in the Neolithic age.
The area with Pyongyang as a center had been the location of beautiful mountains and rivers and thus served as the cradle of mankind, the cradle of human culture where the people flourished and culture developed.
From olden times people say that a prominent person is born in the place with beautiful mountains and rivers.
As it is the most beautiful place in the world, Pyongyang could be a holy place where such a historic man as Tangun came into being, the cradle of the Korean nation.
The Korean nation began to be formed since the building of Ancient Joson by Tangun. Formation of state is the most important issue in forming nation. It is because that state achieves commonness in region which is a basic index of nation by uniting the people into one social community not only to lay foundations that enables to form commonness in blood kinship, language and culture but to promote the process of forming the commonness.
Tangun is the founder of the Korean nation, born in Pyongyang, who established the Ancient Joson, with Pyongyang as its capital, the first ancient state of Korea, developed it into a powerful country in the East with Pyongyang as a base and integrated into one the old-type people of Korea on the basis of commonness in blood kinship and with Pyongyang as a center to develop into the Korean nation.
The fact that Pyongyang was the capital of the Ancient Joson means that the Pyongyang area is the cradle of the Korean nation.
Pyongyang area is a cradle and center of the bronze ware culture, where the culture was created in the earliest period in the world and developed on a remarkably high level. Cradle of culture where the developed new cultural factors come into being first, the center of culture which serves as a base in developing and disseminating cultural phenomena becomes not only capital of a country but cradle of nation.