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Women’s Rights to Labour in the DPRK

    Women in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are fully provided with rights on equal term with men, to labour and get labour protection and social security services.

    Local people’s committees at all levels and relevant organs fully provide women with all conditions for their social labour. The state ensures that the nurseries, kindergartens and public service amenities are finely arranged and their management and operations are improved so as to make women do their work without care.

    When they employ a working force organs, enterprises and organizations do not disallow or restrict employment of women for their sex, marriage, pregnancy, delivery and the like, except types of occupation and department for them. And they provide women with labour safety hygiene devices and ensure labour security suited to the physiological features of woman.

    Labour administration organs stipulate and observe the divisions and occupational categories of labour to be prohibited for women. Acts of employing women in the prohibited divisions and occupational categories of labour and making women with nursing baby or pregnant women worker do night work are strictly punished.

    Like man, woman receives the same remuneration for the same work and 6-hour working system is applied to women workers with more than 3 children and they are paid as in full equivalent to 8 hours.

    Besides the regular and supplementary leave, the state ensures women workers a maternity leave and after childbirth irrespective of the length of their service. During the period of a maternity leave, it is not allowed to make women work except when the women themselves claim, and it is also prohibited to dismiss women on the ground of marriage, pregnancy, a maternity leave or nursing period.

    Local people’s committees at all levels and relevant organs securely enforce the social insurance programs for women to stabilize the life of the women who lost their working ability due to disease or injury and provide sufficient treatment conditions for them,