An immortal classical masterpiece, revolutionary drama The Fate of a Self-defence Corps Man is the work written by President Kim Il Sung in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
It was adapted for a revolutionary film and a revolutionary novel and opera in 1970 thanks to the energetic guidance of leader Kim Jong Il.
Through the depiction of hero’s personality and other characters, the drama elucidates the seed that one will be killed irrespective of whether he joins the self-defence corps or not and the profound idea that revolution is the only way for him to live. In other words, it tells that one is unable to find dignity and genuine life of human being and free himself from the position of being a colonial slave whatever he does and wherever he stays under the fascist colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists. It also clarifies the truth of life, the truth of revolution, that it is the only way for the Korean people to turn out to the revolutionary struggle to defeat the Japanese imperialists and liberate the country.