Education is an important undertaking that decides prosperity of country and future of nation.
The DPRK puts it forward as an important task of the socialist state to fully ensure educational conditions and constantly improve educational environment.
Everything necessary for educational condition is fully ensured by reflecting correctly in the national economic plan.
Relevant organs, enterprises and groups build school buildings, laboratories and bases for practice and repair them periodically according to plans. Educational equipment and materials, experimental apparatuses, teaching aids and furnishings are produced and provided according to the plan, and machines and gauges are provided to relevant educational institutions.
Education guidance organ provides textbooks, references and supplementary books, educational media and the like before new school year begins, organize systematically practice, field trip and study tour and provide preferentially with conditions for study tour.
Local power organs and relevant institutions arrange on the highest level such service facilities as hostel, dining hall and clinic needed in educational institutions.
Organs, enterprises and groups in charge of supply service for the strengthening of material and technical foundations of educational institutions lend material, technical and labour assistance to relevant educational ones.
The DPRK is now conducting a campaign to improve scientific and educational facilities and environment on a nationwide scale, thus accelerating civilization.