The glorious flag of the Workers’ Party of Korea flies high in the van of the today’s grand struggle of the Korean people to build a socialist thriving nation of Juche.
The flag of the WPK, that has won victory after victory braving the tempest of the revolution for 70 years since it engraved a hammer, sickle and writing brush on the red flag flied on Mt. Paektu, is the most sacred patriotic banner in the world that instills ardent love for and pride in the great Party and country and inspires the people with strength and courage to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Party, the country and the people.
The WPK flag flutters high in the sky still today along with the Party’s great history of victory.
After liberation President Kim Il Sung devoted labour to the creation of the flag and emblem of the Party.
The President called in an official to say that he was to decide on the Party flag in order to get the Korean people to correctly understand the Workers’ Party that would be founded and the world people to know the Party.
He said that the Party flag should be well designed so as to reflect the ideology of the Party that makes revolution and the character of the Party that develops into the mass Party whose roots are stricken deep in the working masses including the working class.
Later the President received a report from the creators on the process of designing the Party flag and stressed…Whether the parties in other countries have their flags or not has no dealings with the WPK. We must make the Party flag if it is needed in the development of the revolution and the Party building. It is nonsense that some people are finding fault with the deciding on the Party flag… Saying that deciding on the Party flag was not to gain any approval from someone and that it is imperative for us to have the Party flag irrespective of others’ opinion, he clarified orientation and ways for designing the Party flag.
Receiving the President’s precious instruction, the creators put their heads together to prepare the designs while repeating discussions.
Examining carefully the draft designs of the Party flag one by one, the President said that it would be good to draw the emblem of the Party with a red flag as a background symbolizing the Party that makes the revolution and that the working class, peasant and intellectual should be depicted in the emblem.
He gave detailed instruction saying that a hammer can depict the working class and a sickle the peasants in designing the Party’s emblem and that it would be better to draw a writing brush than a pen to depict intellectuals.
A few days later, the President examined again the designs and emphasized that a hammer, a sickle and a writing brush should be crossed each other by fixing them in the middle of their helves in order to symbolize that the Korean working masses are closely united and that a hammer should be placed on the left, a sickle on the right and a writing brush in the middle.
Pondering for a while, he said that it would be better to place a writing brush in the middle and a bit higher than a hammer and a sickle meaning that all workers and peasants should possess of high level of knowledge and culture to contribute best to the building of an independent sovereign state.
Afterwards, the President examined the design several times to lead the creators to completed it into the one of the Korea style perfect in ideological and artistic value while personally drawing the design with a pencil in his hand.
The flag and emblem of the Party that symbolize the character and mission of the WPK as the revolutionary Party were born thanks to the noble intention and detailed guidance of the President.
Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is today’s great standard-bearer of the WPK flag.
Flag of the WPK will fly higher with the greater pride while kindling the eternal flame of patriotism in the hearts of the entire people and service personnel as the Party is led by respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.