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“Gahwamansasong”(Everything Will Be All Right only When One’s Family Is Harmonious)

When he received Mr. Son Won Thae and his wife, the Korean residents in the United States, President Kim Il Sung said… You must be blessed, because you have been married to a woman chosen by your mother. One is happy only when one’s family is harmonious. Whenever I meet young people, I always tell them about “gahwamansasong”.
The President explained… “Gahwamansasong” means that everything will be all right only when one’s family is harmonious.
Family is related closely to the revolution and is source of patriotism and revolutionary spirit. This is the President’s view on family.
In fact, Mangyongdae family enabled the President to have and develop patriotism and brave through difficulties of the protracted and bloody war against the Japanese imperialists with firm faith.
His family had no good household properties as it was so poor, but patriotism and warm love for human. That’s why his family was in harmony and firmly united in one mind and will.
During the arduous bloody war against the Japanese imperialists, the President always kept deep in his mind his father who gave him the firm will of “Aim High” as heritage. When he provided the Children’s Corps members at Maanshan with new clothes procured with the 20 yuan given him by his mother, he also yearned for the image of his mother who sent him to anti-Japanese battlefield without hesitation even though she was ill at a straw-thatched house in Xiaoshahe.
As his family is immediately his native place and the latter is immediately his country, the President sang a song “Nostalgia” whenever he missed his native home at Mangyongdae and told the guerrillas about Mangyongdae and the country to make them keep firm resolution to liberate the country, even in the days of the bloody anti-Japanese war.
Love and obligation of the President’s family at Mangyongdae has become a tradition of the socialist Korea today.
The DPRK is, indeed, an ideal country where all people form a big family with the leader as their benevolent father and live in harmony by helping and leading each other.