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DPRK’s Taekwon-Do Proud of Long History and Tradition

International Alliance of Societies for the Study of the Juche Idea and Songun Politics in Eastern Europe and Central Asia carried an article DPRK’s Taekwon-Do with pictures of its players on an internet homepage on November 13, 2011.
The article said.
Taekwon-Doists rose up into the air and fell down. Women players performed art for self-protection against stalwart men’s attack. These skills were acclaimed by audiences.
The US TVs broadcast model actions of the DPRK Taekwon-Doists in special programs. They said… Their presentation is unusual with high techniques and theme. The DPRK’s Taekwon-Do is proud of its long history and tradition.
Koguryo mural tombs have paintings of the Koguryo people playing Subakhoe</i>(Taekwon-Do in the past). Taekwon-Do was developed scientifically into peculiar and powerful martial arts.
Taekwon-Do, which reflects the Korean nation’s spirit, has many movements for attack and defence including patterns, sparring, art of self-protection and the like.
Today the DPRK has the regular Taekwon-Do training system.
Taekwon-Do is not only good for health of the people but helpful for their possessing of righteousness, fortitude and decidedness.