The line of giving importance to science and technology is an important strategic line maintained by the Workers’ Party of Korea in the building of a powerful socialist country along with the lines of giving importance to ideology and arms.
To give importance to science and technology means to maintain the principled stand of paying primary efforts to the development of science and technology with it as the key for the building of the socialist economic giant of Juche and solving all problems arising in production, construction and management by depending on science and technology.
It is the WPK’s steadfast determination and will to solidify the foundations of a powerful country by dint of science and technology and, with them as the engine, ac
Validity of the WPK’s line of giving importance to science and technology is that it is a decisive guarantee whic
Building economy is a process of applying science and technology and combining them with production. Today, in the knowledge-based era, almost all of boundaries between science, technology and production have disappeared and science, technology and production are now getting combined into one. This tells that the development of science and technology is immediately production and economic development and that foundation for the building of an economic giant, to say nothing of modernization of national economy, is inconceivable without the rapid development of science and technology.
This is the era in which development of science and technology is accelerated on the worldwide scale and one becomes winner if he is advanced in science and technology but loser to be subordinated to others if he lagged behind in science and technology. That is why it is possible to further consolidate the foundations of the independent national economy and develop the economy rapidly in the present era, only when he gives importance to science and technology and develop the economy by dint of science and technology.
Validity of the WPK’s line of giving importance to science and technology is also that it is a powerful guarantee whic
The building of a powerful country is accompanied by severe scientific and technological confrontation with imperialists. The confrontation with imperialists can be said to be the confrontation of ideology and arms and at the same time the confrontation of science and technology.
The imperialists resort to every means and method to obliterate the Korean-style socialism and move viciously to make scientific and technological blockades. The only way for us to live by ourselves without being moved even under the imperialist encirclement is to strengthen the might of the independent economy by rapidly developing science and technology as required by the knowledge-based era.
This tells that how valid it is that the WPK considers it as the strategic line for the building of prosperous country to give importance to science and technology.
Today the DPRK is making a leap in the building of a powerful country with the frontier sci-tech campaign, showing the validity of the Party’s line of giving importance to science and technology.
With the enthusiasm of the frontier sci-tech campaign, in recent years the DPRK introduced the system of producing Juche iron with anthracite, established the Juche fertilizer production system by gasification of coal and put modernization of machine industry on the high phase. She was successful also in the launching of the satellites which is the complex of the frontiers of science and technology, 3 underground nuclear tests and in H-bomb test. She is now putting production process of many factories and enterprises on an automatic, unmanned and dust-free basis by dint of her indigenous science and technology.
In the future, too, the DPRK will firmly and continuously adhere to the Party’s line of giving importance to science and technology and conduct dynamically the campaign of pushing back the frontiers of science and technology, and thus hastening the building of a prosperous country.