General advance of Songun revolution is an all-people movement in DPRK to build a thriving nation in all fields of politics, military, economy and culture under the banner of the Songun idea.
1)It is a grand advance which is launched dynamically by the army and people under the banner of the Songun idea.
The general advance is a revolutionary one of the army and people to regard the Songun idea as the banner of struggle and apply it in a comprehensive way, thus imbuing the whole society with the Songun idea.
2)It is a gigantic struggle of the army and people to reach the high goal for a great, prosperous and powerful socialist nation.
The general advance is a revolutionary one of the army and people to put the DPRK on the position of a great power in all fields of politics and military, economy and culture by bringing about a revolutionary upsurge in all fields of socialist construction.
3)It is a powerful advance of the army and people that is propelled by the revolutionary soldier spirit.
The revolutionary soldier spirit is a powerful one which inspires the people to ac
The general advance is a powerful mass advance to mobilize the revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity of the masses and speed up the socialist construction with the revolutionary soldier spirit, a powerful weapon of the revolution and construction.