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Korean People Lead Valuable Life

    Socialism in the DPRK is the superior society that draws up and carries out the policy according to the opinions and interests of the popular masses and provides them comprehensively and substantially with the true freedom and rights of political life.

    Political independence is life for man, a social being. If man, a social being loses political independence, he is as same as the dead even though he is physically alive. We can say man lives a dignified life with a socio-political integrity only when he lives, realizing his desire for independence with an independent right as a social being.

    Man’s desire to live a dignified life with the socio-political integrity is realized through the independent political life.

    As the DPRK provides the people with true freedom and right of political life, the popular masses can occupy the position and play the role as the masters of state and society enjoying a valuable and happy life.

    The valuable life of the people in the DPRK’s socialist society is found in the fact that they participate in social life as the masters of state power.

    People’s Independence is expressed by the exercise of sovereignty, and they should exercise the sovereignty in order to have political independence.

    Every Korean has the rights to elect and to be elected. He or she elects his or her genuine representative as a member of the power organ and he himself or she herself is elected to take part in exercising sovereignty. In the DPRK majority of the deputies come from the working masses of the people. So the people’s opinions and interests are correctly reflected by the lines and policies of the state and carried through.

    The popular masses take an active part in drawing up and carrying out the lines and policies of the state and thus they occupy the position as the masters of state and society and play the role as such.

    Politics of exploiter society can’t be the politics for people. Politics in the exploiter society is, in essence, the politics for ensuring domination of the reactionary ruling class. In the exploiter society the popular masses are the object of politics.

    Historically politics has been a monopoly of the reactionary ruling class in the exploiter society, and the popular masses forced all kinds of absence of rights and social inequality as victims of the power politics and bureaucracy of the exploiter class.

    The essential superiority of Korean-style socialism lies in the fact that the popular masses lead a valuable life as the masters of politics.

    The valuable life of the people in the DPRK’s socialist society is also expressed in the fact that they take part in the socio-political life through the Party and several other political organizations as befitting the masters.

    The popular masses can fully exercise the rights of master only when they join the Party and other political organizations to attend the socio-political life as befitting the masters.

    In the DPRK the people’s opinion and desire are integrated through political organizations and reflected in the policies of the Party and the state. All members of the society join a certain political organization to live a political life in their lifetime, expressing their opinions and realize them through the political organization. The working masses of the people in the DPRK express their opinions and desires for all the matters in the state and social life in various forms and methods through publications and radios and enjoy freedom and rights of socio-political activities by take an active part in assemblies and demonstrations.

    Activities of the political organizations in the DPRK are thoroughly subordinated to defending and realizing the people’s aspirations and interests.

    Like this, the DPRK’s socialism sets forward the popular masses as the masters of politics and provides them with valuable life.