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     The Arch of Triumph was erected in April, 1982, on the occasion of the 70th birthday of President Kim Il Sung, in order to eulogize and glorify forever the immortal revolutionary exploits and revolutionary history of the President who returned in triumph to Pyongyang, after organizing and leading the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory and liberating the country.

    The Arch of Triumph is on the road in front of Kim Il Sung Stadium where he delivered his speech on the occasion of his triumphant return. It was erected at the foot of Moran Hill in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK. It is 60 metres high, 52.5 metres wide, 36.2 metres broad and 4-storeyed grand stone edifice.

    In the central parts of the four sides of the first floor, there are 27 metres high and 18 metres wide archway. The first floor borders with the second floor through balcony, and the second, third and fourth floors consist of gradually reducing roofs. On the upper parts of the first floor walls are engraved years “1925”, “1945” and under the figures are 6- men bronze sculpture on both sides. Carved in relief on the second floor is the immortal revolutionary hymn “Song of General Kim Il Sung” and on its side walls are bronze sculpture “Bugler of the guerilla army”. On both sides of the second floor is Mt. Paektu carved in relief. The revolutionary contents reflected in the Arch of Triumph are concentratedly expressed in the carved sculptures.

     The revolutionary hymn “Song of General Kim Il Sung” and “1925”, “1945” carved in the centre tell the revolutionary history and noble exploits of President Kim Il Sung who embarked on the road of revolution in his early days and conducted 20-year-long bloody struggle and liberated Korea and returned in triumph. The engraved Mt. Paektu reminds of the days of revolutionary struggle of President Kim Il Sung who created the immortal Juche idea, ushering in a new year and led the arduous anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory. It also shows the Korean people’s firm will to carry forward through generations and consummate the revolutionary traditions and Juche revolutionary cause started by the President in Mt. Paektu.

    The 2-man buglers on both sides symbolize historic victory of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and reflect historic reality that witnessed pleasure and emotion of country’s liberation.

    The subsidiary relief sculpture on the northern facet “Long live General Kim Il Sung!” and “Long live the liberation of the country!” depict the soldiers of the KPRA and Korean people cheering, looking up to President Kim Il Sung who was delivering triumphant speech, on the background of fluttering flag and thus tell vividly the reverence and admiration for President Kim Il Sung that day. The sculpture on the southern facet “”Looking up to the General!” and “For the building of a new country!” tell the indomitable spirit of the Korean people who rose as one in the building of a new country in response to the policy advanced by the President for the building of Party, country and army and tell the resolute determination to fulfill the instructions of the President to the last.

    Like this, the subsidiary group sculptures add profoundness to the theme of the monument, harmonizing Korean people’s happiness of meeting President Kim Il Sung they were missing so much in the liberated country and their ardent zeal for creating a new life. For its pattern, size and decoration, the archway gives grand, soft and lofty feelings. The archway is infringed with 70 azalea relief symbolizing the 70th birthday of President Kim Il Sung, thus enhancing architectural formation, symbols, art, etc.

    The forms of roof, the most important part of the national architectural form were well preserved. The beams of the eaves were built in large size. This shows special and modern architectural forms of strong national characteristics. The straight lines of the eaves are a little lifted in the end of the angle rafter. This formational treatment reduces three-tiered roof and gives three dimensional feeling.

    Like this, the Arch of Triumph keeps elegance and grandeur of Korean style architecture.

    The Arch of Triumph, the immortal monumental edifice tells the revolutionary feats of President Kim Il Sung and encourages the Korean people to fight for the consummation of Juche revolutionary cause under the leadership of leader Kim Jong Il.