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Attention Paid by DPRK to Improve Education Environment in Rural Communities

The 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea stressed that further revolutionary improvement should be brought about in education.

To its end, education guidance organs make efforts to discharge their duty.

They make close contacts with the Party and power organs in relevant rural communities to grasp detailed situation of educational institutions in the communities and decide priority of their improvement. Based on it, they take practical measures to change appearances of the schools and kindergartens. They give substantial help to the teaching of teachers and the study of students by providing them with diverse and practical education environments.

Selfless aids and dedication from schools in urban areas encourage big the improvement of education environments in the rural communities.

Educational institutions in the urban areas devote wisdom and zeal to disseminate and generalize their excellent experiences to schools in the rural communities and send them as many teachings aids and experimental apparatuses as possible.