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Joint Innovations Made in Key Industries

Proud successes are made in key industries true to the idea and spirit of the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Officials and workers in the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and the Chollima Steel Complex in the sector of metal industry give priority to the management of equipment and technical affairs and actively introduce schemes for technical innovation and rationalization, thus increasing the production of molten iron per charge.

Workers in the sector of chemical industry make uninterrupted innovation and progress while exploring the ways to raise the actual extraction rate and overcoming irrational points.

Workers in the thermal and hydraulic power plants in the sector of power industry take care of and run generating equipment including boilers and turbo generators as required by standard technical regulations, thus expanding steadily the achievements made in producing electricity.

Officials and workers in the sector of coal industry introduce rational coal mining methods, concentrate forces on increasing coal conveying capacity and actively launch high-speed tunneling campaign to increase coal production.

Workers in the Ryongsong Machine Complex in the sector of machine-building industry make innovations while concentrating all forces on the production of face equipment to be sent to coal mines. Those in different units including the Taean Heavy Machine Complex and the Ranam Coal-mining Machine Complex begin to produce castings based on new methods so as to increase the speed of processing spare parts and fittings, and at the same time invent jig equipment which are of practical importance to process large-sized spare parts which were considered to be impossible to do with existing equipment.