Ssirum, the traditional sport of Korea is permeated with intelligence and wisdom of the Korean nation.
Ssirum is a contest in which two persons throw each other to the ground by holding thigh bands and using strength and technique.
The word Ssirum is originated form the word “Hilhum” which describes quarrel and handed down through the long periods of the Korean people’s linguistic life. Pronunciation of the word “Hilhum” was changed gradually into “Silhum”, “Silum”, “Sirum” and fixed as “Ssirum”.
Ssirum, the Korean wrestling has a long history. In the olden times the primitive men put forth their strength in order to hunt animals for existence and cut trees and pull out their roots for breaking up wild lands. In this period they familiarized themselves with actions of measuring their strength and throwing each other to the ground. These actions were competed with certain rules while repeating for a long time.
There are scenes of Ssirum on the mural paintings of the Koguryo(277 B.C.-668 A.D.) tomb, the world cultural heritage, showing vividly the long history of the Korean wrestling. Through mural paintings and historical records we can say that the Korean wrestling is a basis of the wrestling of the East. China accepted the Korean wrestling called it Liaogyo. The Japanese wrestling was also influenced by Koguryo.
The Korean wrestling is various in its method. The wrestling is largely divided into tricks by hand, leg and body.
The trick by hand is to throw one’s adversary to the ground by using hands and arms. It includes hitting knees, holding arms and pulling legs. The trick by leg is to throw one’s adversary to the ground by using legs. It includes inside leg tripping, cross leg tripping,
Traditional Ssirum of Korea has been inherited and developed into the national sport item whic
Leader Kim Jong Il said that the “Grand Bull Prize” national Ssirum competition should be held regularly and the winner awarded an ox and a gold cowbell.
Today Ssirum, the Korean wrestling becomes a national sport which contributes to the people’s physical training and development and provides them with happiness and pleasure as a part of delightful cultural and aesthetic life.