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WPK Takes Roots Deep among People

A tree should strike its roots deep in the fertile land if it is to stand any raging wind. Likewise, a party should take its roots deep in the land, that is, the people in order to win victory after victory without any vacillation or stagnation in the worst adversity.

The Workers’ Party of Korea could record invincibility in the long history of a socialist ruling party since its early days thanks to the absolute support and trust of the people. It has given top and absolute priority to their interests and conveniences in formulating and implementing all policies, devoted the whole wealth of the society to the promotion of their welfare and strived to provide them with cultured life. Its guiding ideology is the people-first principle that regards them as masters of the revolution and construction and enables to rely on them and makes selfless, devoted efforts for their good. Its supreme principle is to steadily improve their material and cultural life. Today the WPK sets it as the climate of a revolutionary party to make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people and brings their dreams into realities. That is why the DPRK people call it a motherly party and follow it with loyalty.

As the people are immortal, so the cause of the WPK that takes its roots deep in the people and strives for the good of the people will be invincible forever.