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Great Efforts Are Consistently Directed to Implementing Party’s Childcare Policy

True to the decisions made at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, every province in the DPRK directs great efforts consistently to implementing the Party’s childcare policy.

The Party Provincial Committees in each province including Kangwon Province set a high goal for making a great advance in implementing the childcare policy in the significant year 2023 and conduct organizational and political work substantially to inspire the officials and working people.

Processes of producing containers of dairy products for children were established in a short span of time and thus began their production. Thoroughgoing measures are being taken to improve breeding of goats and dairy cows.

Technological requirements are strictly observed in producing fermented forage and efforts are being made to supply veterinary medicaments based on the domestic raw materials. Deep attention is paid to further consolidating the basis of producing dairy products and putting nutritious upbringing of children on a scientific basis.