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Production Increased in Steel Production Bases

True to the idea and spirit of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the sector of the metallurgical industry is active in production.

Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex have built with their own strength and technology oxygen-heat blast furnaces, which are now in full operation.

Officials, workers and technicians of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex study and introduce rational methods of running furnaces to increase production of molten iron per charge, and reliably guarantee normal working of large-size equipment while solving on their own the technical problems arising in renovating equipment.

Those in the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex increase remarkably the running ratio of oxygen-heat blast furnaces to guarantee increased production of pig iron. In order to produce more iron and steel, they conduct such a mass technical innovation campaign as to cut down melting time and put the checking and repairing of the 100-ton UHP electric arc furnace on a scientific and technical basis.

Workers in the Chollima Steel Complex also record good results in production every day.