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Workers in Metallurgical Industry Turned out with New Preparedness and Confidence

Officials and workers in the sector of metallurgical industry are deeply conscious once again of their duty entrusted before the era and the revolution and make an all-out dash for the implementation of economic tasks for 2022 with the idea of the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK kept in their minds.

They make dynamic efforts to create new capacities and consolidate existing foundations for production.

The Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex pushes ahead the Juche-based project while inventing and introducing in succession innovative methods with joint creative talent and strength.

The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex also puts ceaseless spurs to the work of putting the metallurgical industry on a Juche basis and cementing foundations for iron and steel production.

The Chollima Steel Complex dynamically advances several undertakings for setting up a continuous caster while actively overcoming unfavorable conditions.