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Presswoman Fails to Attain her Aim

    It was on 2 March, 1946.

    That day a presswoman from “Jongno” called on Kim Jong Suk after receiving numbers of letters from readers who were anxious to know the anti-Japanese armed struggle organized and led by President Kim Il Sung, especially the anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk.

    When she met Kim Jong Suk, the presswoman eagerly requested her to tell the story of fighting against the Japanese imperialists under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, saying it was unanimous desire of many readers.

    Looking at the presswoman with smile in her face, Kim Jong Suk replied that, though the presswoman requested to tell her exploit, a soldier’s struggle shines only in the revolutionary history of General Kim Il Sung.

    Kim Jong Suk said that there were numerous women fighters who lived worthy life as the soldiers of General Kim Il Sung during the anti-Japanese armed struggle and all of them fought with the firm faith that it was honour either to live or to die in implementing the General’s strategic and tactical plans.

    Kim Jong Suk continued to tell impressively about a woman well known as a brave fighter of the Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army and a woman fighter who fought indomitably to the last, shouting she could see victory in the revolution even though she was deprived of her eyes by the Japanese imperialists. Kim Jong Suk did not tell about her deeds.

    That is why the “Jongno” presswoman failed to cover the struggle of Kim Jong Suk that day.