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Civil Rights of Children in DPRK

    In the DPRK, children’s civil rights are thoroughly ensured and guaranteed by the DPRK Law on Ensuring Children’s Rights and other relative laws on ensuring the children’s rights.

    All children in the DPRK have right to education and nurture by their parents under the family environment fabourable for their growth and development. Parents or guardians pay special attention to education and edification of the children of physical defects and take good care of their life and health.

    Guardians should be their grandparents and brothers and sisters. Children without the care of their parents or guardians are brought up in baby homes, orphanages and boarding schools at state expenses.

    Parents and guardians should provide proper conditions to soundly bring up and educate the children and respect the children’s will to the full. Such acts as neglecting, disregarding, ill-treatment, indifference, cursing, reprehension and beating against them are not allowed.

    The rights to fostering and adoption are legally protected, and adopted children have the rights to be fostered and adopted like true children by adopters.

    In order to thoroughly protect the children’s civil rights, person deprived of the right to vote, person with diseases harmful to the child’s health and person incapable of nurture and education can not foster or adopt children.

    Children’s right to inherit is protected by law. Violation of this right for the reason that he or she is a child is considered to be illegal.