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Korean People’s Efforts for the Settlement of Energy Issue

     Satisfactory settlement of energy issue presents itself as an urgent requirement in accelerating the economic construction and improving people’s livelihood.

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea pays deep attention to the settlement of energy issue in the building of a socialist economic giant.

    First of all, exploitation of energy resources is being accelerated in Korea.

    Exploitation of coal resources is being accelerated and the exploitation of recycle energy including wind force, tidal force, geothermal and solar energy is being properly combined while putting the main stress on the hydraulic resources in the development of energy resources.

    Main stress is put on the exploitation of hydraulic resources in the development of energy resources.

    Korea has natural and geographical conditions favorable for the exploitation of hydraulic resources. It has over 6 590 rivers and streams of over 5 kms long and it is a country of high drainage density.

    In the exploitation of hydraulic resources, construction of large-size hydroelectric power stations is being combined properly with the construction of medium and small hydroelectric power stations.

    In recent years, the construction of Huichon Power Station with the capacity of hundreds of thousands kilo watt which would take over 10 years, was completed in 3 years to be inaugurated in April 2012 following the completion of the construction of the large-size hydroelectric power stations including Nyongwon Power Station, Wonsan Youth Power Station, Kumyagang Army-People Power Station, Thaechon Youth Power Station No. 4 and etc., and the construction of huge Orangchon Power Station No. 2 was completed in a short span of time to make its successful test operation in July 2013.

    In Korea, the nationwide facilities, materials and manpower are concentrated to complete one or two projects in a short period as the construction of large-size power station requires long time and huge investment.

    Along with this, medium and small hydroelectric power stations suited to the realities in each province are under construction across the country.

    Exploitation of coal resources is being accelerated in Korea.

    Korea is abundant in coal including anthracite, brown coal, peat, ultra-anthracite and etc. and the coal is abundantly deposited.

    The sector related to the exploitation of coal resources direct efforts in the large-scale coal mines with abundant coal deposit and favorable in mining condition while actively exploiting prospective new coal mines by giving priority to the prospecting of coal resources, and thus increasing the coal production. And each province actively develops and manages medium and small coal mines to meet the demand for coal in each province by its own efforts.

    Korea actively exploits and utilizes the recycle energy including wind force, tidal force, geothermal and solar energy in accordance with the international trend and the realities of Korea.

    In the exploitation of wind force, development and utilization of wind-driven electric plants is being hastened and their management and operation is being improved.

    In the exploitation of solar energy resources, it ensures to standardize already-developed techniques of utilizing solar energy, expands the introduction of techniques of utilizing solar energy including the solar collector and solar greenhouse and intensifies the scientific research on the techniques of solar battery and that of utilizing solar heat.

    In the exploitation of geothermal energy, Korea develops ultra-modern geothermal energy facilities by relying on its own efforts to introduce them in different fields including the heating of the building and hastens the research and exploitation of geothermal facilities of higher efficiency.

    In the exploitation of tidal force, Korea directs great efforts in developing advanced construction methods and utility technology for increasing the economic efficiency of electric-power production relying on tidal force.

    Korea also actively propels the work to increase electric-power production by developing independent nuclear industry of Korean style.

    Next, great efforts are being directed in energy saving.

    Long time and huge funds are required to meet the socio-economic demands by exploiting new energy resources. However, the needed investment to the research, development and introduction for energy saving is far less than the exploitation of energy resources and the period of compensation of investment is short.

    Introduction of techniques of energy saving is being actively propelled in Korea.

    Primary effort is being directed in the energy saving in the fields including the metal and chemical industries using much energy.

    Modern UHP electric furnace has been newly built in Chollima Steel Complex to further decrease the consumption of electricity for the production of steel while increasing several times of production as compared with the past old electric furnace.

    And all fields and units that utilize energy briskly introduce the techniques of energy saving.

    Energy utilization is being controlled in Korea to actively save energy.

    Cross production is being introduced in order to save and effectively utilize electricity. The cross production between the major facilities, technical processes of production, workshops, work-teams and enterprises is being organized rationally to decrease electric load and effectively utilize it.

    All-society, all-people rise in the campaign for energy saving, and the survey and control of utilization and consumption of energy is being intensified in Korea.

    Like this, energy saving is being intensified while actively hasten the exploitation of energy resources in accordance with the actual conditions in order to satisfactorily settle the energy issue.

    The Korean people’s efforts for settling the energy issue will bring about a due fruition.