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Tasks to Radically Improve the People’s Standard of Living

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un put forth the tasks to improve the people’s standard of living radically in New Year Address for 2019.

    Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said.

    “Improving the people’s standard of living radically is a matter of greatest importance for our Party and state.”

    In order to improve the people’s standard of living radically, the agricultural front, the major point of attack in socialist economic construction, should conduct a campaign for increased production.

    The Workers’ Party of Korea set the agricultural front as the major point of attack in socialist economic construction in order to solve the food problem for the people.

    For increased production in agricultural front the Cabinet and other relevant sectors should give effective scientific and technical guidance for each farming process and supply sufficient amounts of materials needed for this year’s farming, thus increasing cereal production decisively and respect the opinions and interests of farmers, masters of farming, and meet the demands of the socialist principle of distribution properly. It is necessary to adhere to the four key factors set forth by the Party for the development of livestock farming, modernize and reenergize stockbreeding bases like chicken farms, and encourage the joint stockbreeding by cooperative farms and the sideline stockbreeding by individual farmers so as to supply the people with more meat and eggs.

    In order to radically improve the people’s standard of living, the fishing sector should consolidate its material and technical foundations, put fishing and aquatic culture on a scientific basis and protect and increase aquatic resources, so as to open a new path for developing the fishing industry.

    In order to radically improve the people’s standard of living, the sector of light industry, by consistently upholding the banner of modernizing production lines, obtaining at home everything needed for production and improving quality, should produce and supply various kinds of consumer goods that are favoured by the people, and ensure that provinces, cities and counties renovate the condiments factories and other locally-run plants and maintain their regular operation by relying on the locally available raw materials and other resources.