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Orientation of DPRK’s Economic Construction in 2014

    The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un elucidated the orientation of economic construction in 2014 in the New Year Address.

    Kim Jong Un stated that the sectors of agriculture, construction and science and technology should hold the torch of innovations in the van.

    Kim Jong Un said:

    “This year we should ensure that the sectors of agriculture, construction and science and technology hold the torch of innovations in the van and the flames of the torch flare up as flames of a leap forward on all the fronts of socialist construction.”

    As it was in last year, it is imperative to keep up agriculture as a major thrust of effort in the struggle for economic construction and improving the people’s standard of living, and concentrate all our efforts on farming.

     2014 is a meaningful year that marks the 50th anniversary of the theses on socialist rural question made public by President Kim Il Sung.

    The President made public the “Theses on the Socialist rural Question in Our Country” at the 8th Plenary Meeting of the 4th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on February 25, 1964. The theses are a great program for socialist rural construction which gave scientific explanation to the major theoretical and practical issues arising in socialist rural construction.

    In 2014 the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions should be waged dynamically in the rural areas to bring about a decisive turn in agricultural production, thus clearly proving the validity and vitality of the theses.

    To do so, the agricultural sector should proactively introduce scientific farming methods and do farm work in a responsible manner. And it should improve animal husbandry and do greenhouse vegetable and mushroom farming on an extensive scale so as to ensure that larger quantities of meat, vegetables and mushrooms are supplied to the people.

    A new heyday of construction should be ushered in 2014.

    Construction is an important front for solidifying the foundations of a thriving country and creating bases for the people’s happy life.

    Kim Jong Un stressed that the construction sector should set up world-class structures representative of the Songun era and build many other structures that could contribute to improving the people’s living conditions, thus laying firm foundations of the self-supporting economy and providing the people with conditions for a more affluent and civilized life.

    Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development.

    In 2014, the scientific research sector should open a shortcut to the building of a knowledge-based economy by solving the long-term problems in developing the country’s economy and improving the people’s standard of living as well as scientific and technological problems arising in the actual situation and by going beyond the cutting edge.

    All scientists and technicians should achieve high results by skillfully riding the excellent “steed” provided to them by the Party and giving fullest scope to their talents and enthusiasm. By doing so, they can become true patriots who contribute to building a thriving nation. A climate of attaching importance to science and technology should prevail across society, and all officials and working people should diligently learn modern science and technology upholding the slogan of making all the people well versed in science and technology.

    Kim Jong Un stated that the fierce flames should be raised in the vanguard sectors, basic industrial sectors, and all other sectors of the national economy along with the sectors of agriculture, construction and science and technology.

    It is first necessary for the metallurgical and chemical industrial sectors to hold high the slogan of making them Juche-oriented and modern and launch a vigorous campaign for boosting production by relying on their own raw materials and fuels and on the latest science and technology. In this way they should supply sufficient amounts of steel and various kinds of chemical goods that are needed to reenergize the national economy as a whole and improve the people’s standard of living.

    It is also imperative to give definite priority to electric-power and coal-mining industries.

    By stepping up modernization of and introduction of CNC technology into their production lines and increasing the proportion of locally-available raw and other materials, light-industry factories should put production on a normal footing. And all cities and counties should produce various kinds of quality consumer goods in larger amounts by developing local industry in conformity with their specific conditions.

    By modernizing fishing vessels and implements and launching a dynamic fishing campaign by scientific methods, the fishing sector should ensure that all ports resound with whistles of vessels returning with full loads. It should also conduct shallow-sea farming on an extensive scale.

    It is also necessary to protect and increase the country’s priceless natural resources including underground, forest and marine resources, and conduct an energetic mass-based tree-planting drive to cover all the mountains with thick forests.

    Lots of difficulties stand in the Korean people’s efforts to implement the tasks of economic construction set forth by Kim Jong Un.

    However, the DPRK is sure to make a leap in economic construction in 2014 as it has energetic and wise leadership of Kim Jong Un, and the army and the people firmly united behind him.