Today the revolutionary peoples of the world praise President Kim Il Sung, the respected leader of the Korean people as the great man who represented the 20th century.
As a great thinker and theoretician and statesman unprecedented in human history, Kim Il Sung performed immortal exploits for the world and mankind.
His exploits for the human cause of independence take distinguished place.
Kim Jong Il said that President Kim Il Sung, as a political veteran of the world, infused the progressive peoples struggling for independence with courage and confidence and made an immortal contribution to the human cause of independence.
The human cause of independence is a great cause to completely realize independence of the masses on a world-wide scale, and it can be pioneered with credit and make a victorious advance only by a great man.
In the past century, there were not a few great men who made contribution to the people’s cause of independence and the feats performed by them were considerable.
But the services rendered by Kim Il Sung to the human cause of independence are so great that they cannot be compared with those by any other great man in their range and depth.
First, President Kim Il Sung created a guiding ideology illuminating the road ahead of the people’s cause of independence in a scientific manner.
The greatest exploits of a leader is the creation of a guiding idea which illuminates the way ahead of the mankind in a scientific way.
To create a scientific guiding idea is the first and foremost issue in shaping the destiny of the human cause of independence and bringing it to completion.
It was successfully settled by Kim Il Sung, an outstanding thinker and theoretician.
Kim Il Sung, who acquired deep insight into the requirements of a new era in which the oppressed and exploited people emerged as masters of their destiny, created the Juche idea and the Songun idea by reflecting the requirements in a scientific way and developed and enriched it continuously through the protracted revolutionary struggle.
The Juche idea and the Songun idea are an immortal great program and an encyclopedic idea for victorious advance and completion of the human cause of independence.
The Juche idea is a thorough revolutionary idea which regards it as the basic purpose of the revolution to defend and realize independence, the life and soul of a social man, and requires continuing revolution to the last until his independence is completely ac
The Songun idea is a guideline showing the way for independence of the masses by relying on arms, the revolutionary army. It illuminates the most correct way to smas
As a revolutionary idea and theory whose root is the Juche idea, the Songun idea includes the general principle of the Songun revolution, laws of the revolutionary development and strategic and tactical principles to be held in the revolutionary struggle.
Foundation of the Juche idea and the Songun idea marks a historic event remarkable in the history of struggle for the people’s cause of independence.
Thanks to the Juche idea and the Songun idea founded by Kim Il Sung, the masses’ struggle for independence has dynamically advanced along the straight road as illuminated by the scientific guiding idea and brought about an epoch-making turn in the human cause of independence.
Next, Kim Il Sung opened up a new era for the people’s cause of independence with his outstanding and seasoned leadership.
A great man becomes more famous for his leadership exploits of transforming the world with his revolutionary practice.
Ensuring the leadership of a great man is fundamental in the people’s cause of independence.
The struggle for people’s independence is a gigantic revolutionary practice to change the old and create the new, and it is also a prolonged and arduous struggle that is carried out through different stages.
Key to the gigantic practice is the outstanding leadership of a great man. This is an absolute truth shown by history.
Kim Il Sung was a great man who stood in the van of the gigantic revolutionary practice for the masses’ independence and led it to victory. His leadership exploits with outstanding and seasoned ability and energetic practical activities are recorded in the annals of history.
He led 2 revolutionary wars victoriously, thus opening a new era of colonial national liberation struggle and anti-imperialist struggle.
The people’s cause of independence is a revolutionary one which is started with the struggle against imperialism and colonialism and completed through its victorious advance.
The 20th century was the moving century in which the colonial national liberation struggle and the anti-imperialist struggle were vigorous on the world-wide scale.
The anti-Japanese armed struggle and the Fatherland Liberation War in Korea were the revolutionary and rig
With deep insight of the actual situation of colonial national liberation struggle in Korea and the world early in the 20th century, Kim Il Sung set forth the original philosophy on arms, the idea of giving importance to arms that the armed enemy should be defied with arms and the revolution pioneered with arms, and paved a new path for the Korean national liberation movement with the leadership of Songun revolution.
Kim Il Sung founded the revolutionary armed forces on April 25, 1932 to proclaim a war against the Japanese imperialists who had occupied Korea, and led the Korean people to victory for over 15 years, thus ac
His exploits of having defeated two imperialisms in one generation is a historic event noteworthy in the history of the colonial national liberation struggle and the anti-imperialist struggle.
Next, Kim Il Sung started the Juche-oriented socialism and ushered in a new era of the world socialist movement.
Socialism is a century-old desire of humanity, and it is an inevitability of historical development that the history advances towards socialism.
The people’s cause of independence is ultimately completed in the process of victory of socialism on the world-wide scale.
The 20th century was a century when a sudden change was brought about in the masses’ struggle for socialism. Socialism that the people regarded as a dream has become reality and expanded to the world. However, due to the collapse of socialism in some countries in the 90s of the 20th century, the people’s desire for independence suffered from serious frustration and pain.
Socialism is started, defended and completed with success under the leadership of the great leader.
In the history of socialism, there were not few leaders who regarded socialism as their destiny and made contributions to the start, development and defense of the socialist cause.
But no great man made such a great contribution to the socialist cause as Kim Il Sung.
He built a unique Korean-style socialism so as to provide an example of socialism.
The Korean-style socialism is socialism in which the Juche idea has been embodied in a comprehensive way, that is, the people-centered socialism. In other words, it is a society in which the Juche idea has been applied in a comprehensive way, so that the masses become masters of everything and everything serves them, and it is a society which is developed by the united efforts of the masses.
Out of socialism in the century, the Korean-style socialism is a unique one unprecedented in history in its ideological foundation, validity and vitality, its future and pioneering mode.
The Korean-style socialism was pioneered originally by Kim Il Sung, the master of the theory on socialism.
Regarding “People are my God” as his motto from his early years, he devoted his all to the people. On the basis of the firm belief that socialism is the only way to completely realize the masses’ independence, he led the Korean people to socialism.
He put forward the Juche-oriented line of socialist revolution after the Korean war, aroused the Korean people to the struggle for the socialist revolution and socialist industrialization. As a result, the DPRK established the socialist relations of production in the short span of 5 years after the war and became a socialist industrial state in a short span of 14 years. He led to victory the struggle for ac
A unique people-centered socialism built in the DPRK marked a new turning point in the socialist movement of the world and its’ strengthening and development and also inspired the world revolutionary peoples in their struggle for socialism.
Kim Il Sung consolidated the unity between the socialist countries and the unity between communist and worker’s parties on the basis of independence.
Solid unity of socialist countries based on independence is a sure guarantee for all victories.
The history of the international socialist movement started under the banner of unity has recorded many leaders who dedicated themselves to this cause.
Kim Il Sung’s exploits are remarkable in history as he converted the relations between the socialist countries into the relations based on independence.
In the mid-20th century, there created discord within the socialist movement harming unity and cohesion.
Seeing through this situation, Kim Il Sung pointed out that it was because of the great-power chauvinists who trampled down independence of other countries and let them to maintain the principled stand to ac
Kim Il Sung paid historic friendship visit to socialist countries in 1956 and 1975 so as to make a big contribution to developing and strengthening the friendly and cooperative relations based on independence. He traveled over 25 000 kilometers for 50-odd days from May 16 to July 1, 1984 to make an official and friendship visit to the Soviet Union and East European socialist countries. It shows clearly his energetic efforts to put the unity and cohesion of the socialist countries on a new basis.
His visit was an international event which consolidated the unity and cohesion among socialist countries, demonstrated its might and dealt a heavy blow to imperialists who intended to divide them.
Kim Il Sung defended the socialist cause and put the reconstruction movement of socialism on a new foundation.
The moves of imperialists and renegades of socialism created a tragic situation of collapsing socialism in Soviet Union and East European socialist countries one after another in the end of the 20th century. It was important to cope with this serious situation as early as possible because it was related to the destiny of the socialist cause.
With noble sense of responsibility for the destiny of the socialist cause, he made every effort to defend socialism and reconstruct it on a new basis.
In his works he clarified in a scientific way the essence and root cause of the situation in which socialism was collapsed in some countries, validity of socialist cause, inevitability of its victory and all principled issues in defending and developing socialism.
He made energetic efforts to defend socialist countries against the moves of the US and other imperialists, hold fast to the socialist principle free from the influence of modern social democracy and further consolidate international solidarity with the countries holding aloft the socialist banner.
The most distinguished feat in defending socialist cause and reconstructing socialism is that he saw to it that the historic Pyongyang Declaration was adopted.
The historic Pyongyang Declaration “Let’s defend and advance the socialist cause” was adopted and published on April 20, 1992 in Pyongyang, the DPRK. It had been signed by representatives of 70 political parties of the world including 48 of their heads.
The Pyongyang Declaration is a fighting program to be upheld in common to defend and advance the socialist cause. It confirms that socialism is an ideal of humanity and socialism is a genuine people’s society representing the future and comprehensively clarifies validity and inevitability of socialist cause, noble purpose of the struggle for socialism and basic ways to carry it out.
The adoption of the Pyongyang Declaration marked a turning point in putting an end to confusion prevailed at that time in the world socialist movement and advancing the movement to reconstruct socialism on the basis of a fresh vigor. As soon as this declaration was adopted, the revolutionary parties and progressive peoples of the world extended an active support to it, regarding it as a great joint declaration proclaiming the rebirth of the socialist movement and the international communist movement. As a result, more than 140 political parties of the world had already signed the Pyongyang Declaration in the end of 1992 and their number increased by more than 270 as of April, 2007.
It proves that the Pyongyang Declaration serves as a militant banner inspiring them to reconstruct socialism under the banner of independence.
The exploits performed by Kim Il Sung who set an example of socialism to the world and humanity and placed the socialist movement on the orbit of independence will go down forever in history with the victorious advance of socialism, the human cause of independence.
Kim Il Sung opened up a new era for global independence.
Global independence is a unanimous aspiration of the people in every country defending independence and also a sacred cause common to humanity.
The human cause of independence can be accomplished finally only when independence of every country and nation of the world is completely realized. In other words, it is realized by global independence.
Based on the careful consideration of the unanimous aspiration of the world people, features of the cause of global independence and changes in the world political arena, he clarified scientifically all problems arising in making the whole world independent and energetically led the struggle for its realization.
In his work, “The Non-aligned Movement Is a Mighty Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Force of Our Times” published in December, 1975 and several other works, he made it clear that the revolutionary people and countries of the world should firmly hold fast to independence, struggle against imperialism and dominationism by the united efforts, further expand and develop the non-aligned movement, and that the developing countries should strengthen the south-south cooperation in order to make the whole world independent.
Kim Il Sung, in particular, acquired a deep insight into the important role played by the non-aligned movement in the struggle for global independence and made an energetic effort to develop and strengthen this movement into a powerful anti-imperialist independent force of the times.
The non-aligned movement which made its historic advance at the beginning of the 1960s is a progressive movement for independence against all sorts of domination and subjugation and mighty revolutionary force of our time opposing imperialism.
Whenever difficulties were put before the non-aligned movement due to the moves of the US-led imperialists and all other reactionaries, he took positive measures for overcoming them and saw to it that this movement held fast to the noble idea and principle of anti-imperialism and independence.
When he attended national and international conferences and met state leaders, Kim Il Sung clarified the WPK’s principled stand to consolidate unity of the non-aligned movement under the slogan of “The world people who defend independence, unite” and exerted constant influences upon them so that they could firmly unite under the banner of anti-imperialist independence.
Kim Il Sung encouraged non-aligned and developing countries to strengthen friendship and cooperation between them, support themselves economically and technically through the south-south cooperation, and gave them material and mental assistance.
As a result, the Academy of Agricultural Science was founded in Guinea and Tanzania, more than 30 factories built in 22 countries until mid-1980s and irrigation facilities established in 29 countries.
He saw to it that this movement made an active contribution to smashing the imperialists’ moves of war, defending peace and security of the world, democratizing the international community and ac
Thanks to the outstanding leadership and active support of Kim Il Sung, the non-aligned movement has grown up as a mighty anti-imperialist independent force of our times and a big force for an independent new world.
These are the historic turn brought about in making the whole world independent. It is one of the immortal and historic services rendered by Kim Il Sung to the human cause of independence.
The fact that the human cause of independence was continued to be dynamic in the past 20th century and all events that took place in the course of accomplishing the cause are inconceivable without the 70-year-long revolutionary activities of Kim Il Sung.
His life was the one of a great leader in the cause of global independence and an outstanding leader of the world politics who devoted his all to the human cause of independence.
50 odd-year-long external activities conducted by him for the cause of independence were remarkable ones that cannot be found in biography of any leader or any statesman.
During the period he met about 70 000 foreign guests including 120 heads of state on 1 982 occasions, 200 heads of party on 2 236 occasions and 76 heads of government on 833 occasions to have a precious discussion on the problems in accomplishing the human cause of independence. He traveled a long journey of 520 000 kilometers on 54 occasions to make a state visit to 87 countries.
There have never existed in all ages and countries leaders or politicians who can compare with Kim Il Sung in the respect of revolutionary history for the human cause of independence, the course of revolutionary activity, the size and greatness of exploits.
That is why, Kim Il Sung enjoyed boundless respect and trust from the world people as an outstanding leader of the world revolution and a standard-bearer of the world revolution.
The exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung in the human cause of independence of our times will be immortal in the minds of the world progressive mankind with the struggle of the peoples aspiring after independence.