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Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un looked round a machine factory one day in January 2012 and acquainted himself of the fact that there left the internal building project, the most difficult in building the Kangsong Health Complex, the comprehensive welfare service amenities. The Supreme Leader immediately ordered to complete the building on a qualitatively high level until the 100th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung by dispatching to the factory the most powerful unit of the People’s Army which has much experiences in building.
The Supreme Leader wanted the People’s Army to render remarkable feats in building a powerful country not only as a guardian of the country but as a creator of the people’s happiness. The People’s Army unit waged a decisive battle with faith and will to repay with loyalty the trust and expectation of the Supreme Leader and created a miracle of having completed modern Kangsong Health Complex within 70-odd days.
The Supreme Leader visited the machine factory again on May Day, the international holiday of the working people over the world. The Supreme Leader was very satisfied to see the workers enjoying cultural entertainment at a wonderful place to their hearts’ contents. The Supreme Leader said… The unit has done big for the factory workers true to intention of the Party that defined this year as the one dedicated to the people. The People’s Army should be in van of the struggle to improve the people’s livelihood.
When he saw accompanied officials put the unit officers before them and the latter put the factory officials to the fore, the Supreme Leader gave valuable sayings… It is good that the army does for the good of the people and the people are beneficial to the army, which is the great unity of army and people.
Looking round dining room, cooking room, the barber’s, gymnasium, amusement hall and e-library of the factory, the Supreme Leader was very pleased and said with emotion… This is a very good comprehensive cultural amenity. This health complex reminds me of the Chairman. I wish that the Chairman would be much pleased to see it.
The factory officials told the Supreme Leader… We have learned a lot from working style of the People’s Army. We keenly felt that the Supreme Leader’s army is the best when they said that they wanted nothing but air and water. Listening to them, the Supreme Leader said… The People’s Army is, indeed, the army organized with sons and daughters of the people. That is why the army soldiers have affections for their parents.
Whenever they see on TV the factory employees enjoying cultural life to their hearts’ contents in the complex, the DPRK people are moved by warm love and benevolence of the Supreme Leader who made efforts to provide the workers with the best conditions for life.