Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Is Great Country That Built Independent National Economy and Self-defence Capability

Ambrose Mnisi


South African National Committee for the

Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism

I would like to express my sincere thanks for inviting me to the seminar to be on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

First of all, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the entire DPRK people marking the 75th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on behalf of the entire members of the South African National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

On this significant occasion I have great honour to present my paper titled “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the great country that built an independent national economy and self-defence capability”.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea set it as a fundamental requirement for the construction of an independent and sovereign state to secure its own strong economic power and military capacity and waged an indomitable struggle from the first stage of the construction of a new society, and thus built a powerful economic and military foundation that guarantees the sovereignty of the country and the prosperity of the nation.

The reason why the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is firmly defending the fundamental interests of the Korean revolution and the dignity of the country while resolutely dealing with the vicious anti-socialism and anti-DPRK maneuvers of the imperialists today, is because it has built a mighty independent national economy and self-defence capability.

First of all, I would like to mention that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a miraculous country that built an independent national economy.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea laid down the line of building an independent national economy based on its people’s power, resources, and technology in line with an urgent demand of the Korean people and the specific situation of Korea during the whole period of its activity, and thoroughly implemented it, thereby improving the economic foundation of the country and people’s livelihood.

The great Comrade Kim Il Sung created the immortal Juche idea, and based on it, put forth original ideas and theories on the construction of an independent national economy, and wisely led the struggle for its realization, and built the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea into a socialist country prospering with self-reliance.

The vitality of the independent national economy created by the prominent foresight and wise leadership of the great Comrade Kim Il Sung is being clearly demonstrated by today’s reality in which socialism in the DPRK is constantly winning victory after victory, even amidst ceaseless economic upheaval throughout the world, and continuous aggressive maneuvers and economic blockade of the imperialists to the DPRK.

Building an independent national economy is a very important matter related to the rise and fall of the country and nation.

Only political independence can be ensured and development of the country and prosperity of the nation can be achieved since economic construction is carried out on a country–by–nation basis, any country or nation must build an independent national economy based on the principle of self-reliance.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea holding high the banner of self-reliance, has built a strong independent national economy, thereby standing firm despite unprecedented economic sanctions by imperialists and severe global natural disasters, especially in the current situation of the spread of a malignant virus and creating the miracle of vigorously accelerating the comprehensive construction of socialism.

The foundation of independent national economy of the DPRK created by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung was further consolidated by the wise leadership of the great Comrade Kim Jong Il.

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il bearing the destiny of the country and the people on his shoulder, further consolidated the foundation of independent national economy treading down the path of Arduous March unprecedented in history with an indomitable determination to overcome the prevailing difficulties by raising the country’s science and technology to the cutting-edge level.

Thanks to the immortal leadership of the great Comrade Kim Jong Il, the enthusiasm for breaking through the cutting edge flared up everywhere in the DPRK under the banner of self-reliance, in which process the foundations of the independent national economy of the DPRK were further strengthened.

Entering the 1990s the country was faced with harsh difficulties in economic construction due to the collapse of the socialist market, the imperialists’ vicious schemes against it and a succession of natural disasters but it raised its position into a state of manufacturing and launching earth satellites by relying on its own self-supporting economic foundations.

Moreover, the DPRK remained unperturbed in the 2000s when many countries and enterprises were floundering as giant banks and conglomerates were going bankrupt due to the global financial crisis.

Today the DPRK people is waging vigorous struggle to carry out the new Five-Year Plan for national economic development set forth by the respected Comrade Kin Jong Un at the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

In the DPRK today, serious efforts are made to consolidate the economic foundations of key industries including metallurgical and chemical industries and build 50 000 flats in Pyongyang City, houses in the countryside and large-scale greenhouse farms for improving the people’s standard of living, and this will be inconceivable separated from the powerful foundations of its independent national economy which has been consolidated in the past several decades.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will prosper even more in the future as it has the foundation for an independent national economy built by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, the great Comrade Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Next I would like to mention that the DPRK is the miraculous country that built a powerful self–defence national capacity.

It is because the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has invincible military force that no one could touch that after the war it firmly defended the Korean peninsula and world peace and the sovereignty and security of the country and the happiness of the DPRK people, achieving successive victories in fierce political and military confrontation with hostile forces.

The independent national defence capacity, which has been built up for decades, has become a treasure sword of justice that mercilessly punishes imperialism and a formidable fortress that guarantees the brilliant future of Juche-Korea, and the DPRK is advancing the cause of socialism victoriously by relying on the invincible military power that never allows anyone to touch in this world.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is achieving remarkable events in strengthening the national defence capabilities to cope with the threat of pernicious nuclear war of the imperialists.

The Korean nation having no power to protect themselves until a century ago had to suffer the miserable lot of an enslaved nation, but today they have built a powerful self-defence capacity with their own hands, and are demonstrating their grandeur as a great nation with high dignity and wisdom to the whole world.

In his first days on the road of revolution, the great Comrade Kim Il Sung achieved the historical cause of national liberation securing weapons by his own efforts and founding the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army with excellent sons and daughters of the people, and after liberation founded the Korean People’s Army, regular revolutionary armed forces.

In addition, he had built its own munitions production complex, and he wisely led the projects of building a strong raw material base for the munitions industry and developing the defence science and technology, and thus the DPRK’s defence industry was built into an independent, modern and powerful defence industry.

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il set forth an original line of the Songun era, on developing the defence industry on a priority basis while boosting light industry and agriculture simultaneously, and formulated Songun politics (army–first) as the basic political mode of socialism and thus accomplished the immortal exploits in the development of the DPRK’s national defence capabilities.

Under his energetic leadership the Korean People’s Army was prepared into an elite army in championing socialism and into powerful armed forces equipped with means of both attack and defence strong enough to defeat any aggressor forces.

All-people, nationwide defence system was firmly cemented, with the result that the level of arming all the people reached an unprecedented high level, and the work of fortifying the whole country became more perfect.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un set forth a strategic line for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to complete the strongest national defence capacity and, secured a solid military guarantee to defend the dignity of the country with honor by leading it to be realized in the shortest period of time.

The DPRK successfully test-fired hypersonic missile, new-type tactical guided weapon, long-range strategic cruise missile and new-type ICBM Hwasongpho-17, and thus demonstrated its enormous might for firmly guaranteeing the peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the rest of northeast Asia in a year of 2022.

The South African National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is firmly convinced that equipping with a powerful independent national economy and self-national defence capacity, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will stand confidently in the lines of the world as a state of high dignity and will fulfill its responsibility and role as a reliable fortress for safeguarding peace.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I sincerely wish the DPRK people greater success for building a powerful socialist nation under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations again to the entire DPRK people marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK.

Long live the 75th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK!