Immortal Programme for Strengthening Party Cells

March 31, 1994 is the historic day when President Kim Il Sung sent a letter of congratulation to the 1st Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea, thus providing a programmatic guiding principle for strengthening the Party cells.

In his letter of congratulation, the President said that the conference, the first of its kind in the history of the Workers’ Party of Korea, marked an important milestone in strengthening and developing the Party and making it invincible, as well as fortifying the bulwark of socialism in the DPRK by enhancing the function and role of the Party cells.

Saying that the foundation of the Party and its development are inconceivable without the development of cells, the basic Party organizations and that, in view of the cells’ very important place and role in the Party building and activities, the Party has consistently paid close attention to strengthening the Party cells and other grassroots organizations ever since the day when its foundation was prepared, the President clarified important tasks and practical ways for the work of Party cells.