One day when the building of regular armed forces was in brisk, President Kim Il Sung visited the Central Security Officers School.

Kim Il Sung saw that the Central Security Officers School was instituted in July 1946, no more than one year after liberation of the country, to train military commanding officers while making preparations for the building of revolutionary regular armed forces.

Putting aside other busy matters, Kim Il Sung visited the school because he had a reason.

At that time some people insisted that Korea should also be on a school curriculum for at least three years since it took more than three years for other countries to train military cadres.

That day Kim Il Sung acquainted himself in detail with different opinions from teaching staff and employees of the school and said that military education period should be decided in accordance with realities of the newly liberated country. He said that they should not be in leisure like others who took three or four years but advance the period by one year in order to train military cadres urgently needed for the building of regular armed forces as early as possible in accordance with the prevailing situation.

Thanks to Kim Il Sung’s detailed guidance, sons and daughters of ordinary workers and peasants could be trained into fine military commanding officers of the Korean People’s Army in a short period.