In March 1998, Chairman Kim Jong Il visited workers of Songjin Steel Complex after making a long journey to the northern part of the DPRK in order to boost metal industry.

Kim Jong Il said that it would be good for all workers in the complex to hold aloft in the van the torch of a new revolutionary great upsurge on Chollima once again in respond to the Party’s call.

The workers in the complex were encouraged by great trust of Kim Jong Il who put them forward as forerunners taking the lead in the great upsurge ahead of the times. They turned out in the great upsurge as one.

The workers in the complex appealed the workers and people across the country to effect a big upsurge in the socialist construction once again while racing against time at the Chollima speed, holding aloft the torch kindled by Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong Il’s trust kindled the torch of patriotism in the minds of the workers in the complex, and the torch was developed into flames of creation and leap forward over the country.