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President Kim Il Sung’s Songun Revolutionary Leadership

    President Kim Il Sung started the Songun revolutionary leadership since he founded the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army, the first revolutionary armed forces in Korea, in Xiaoshahe, Antu County, China on April 25, 1932 and started the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

    Its foundation was the historic event that informed the start of the Songun revolutionary leadership.

    That is first because the Juche-oriented hardcore forces, which can push forward the Songun revolution in the van, were built thanks to its foundation.

    If the revolutionary struggle is to be conducted, revolutionary forces should be built to push it ahead. In particular, it is necessary to build the Juche-oriented hardcore forces which can push forward the revolutionary struggle in the van.

    That is next because it enabled to apply in the revolutionary practice the idea of giving importance to rifle, the idea of starting and advancing the Korean revolution with arms.

    The Songun idea was founded on the basis of analyzing and reviewing the concrete reality of Korea and the practical experience gained in the Korean revolution. The Songun idea is not an idea for the sake of theory but the idea for revolution.

    The Songun idea clarifies that the Korean revolution should be made with arms.

    That is why the foundation of the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army is the historic event that heralds of the start of the Songun revolutionary leadership which embodies the Songun idea of President Kim Il Sung.