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Nothing is More Important than Matter of People’s Livelihood

One day officials who were assisting Chairman Kim Jong Il’s work were informed that matches were run out in a local area.
Thinking that it is not necessary to tell such a trifle one to the Chairman and feeling it a pity that local officials asked for a solution for such a trivial matter, they just wrote a few words about it in the end of a document to be sent to the Chairman.
After some time an official was summoned by the Chairman.
The Chairman asked him why the matter of matches was on the last line of the document since match or salt is one of daily necessaries which people need in their living all the time.
Then the Chairman said in a serious tone… Matter of the people’s livelihood and interest must be put on the first line of documents whether it is small or big. Nothing is more important than matter of the people’s livelihood.
The Chairman continued… It is necessary to consider the people’s interests before anything else and preferentially solve the matter related to it. In a word, the matter of the people’s livelihood should be the first.