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    - To strengthen the revolutionary army

    This means to regard the military affairs as the foremost state affairs and pay the primary and the biggest attention in the strengthening of the revolutionary army.

    This is because the revolutionary army is the most powerful political force in realizing the Songun politics.

    - To strengthen the subject of the revolution with the revolutionary army as the main forces

    This means to make the revolutionary ranks powerful with the revolutionary army as the hardcore and model and develop the revolutionary ranks to strengthen its political and ideological unity.

     Strengthening the subject of the revolution with the revolutionary army as the main force is the basic requirement of the Songun politics. This is because the subject of the revolution is in direct charge of realizing the Songun politics.

    - To accelerate the socialist construction with the revolutionary army as the pillar.

    This means to regard the revolutionary army as the vanguard and shock brigade in the building of socialism and push ahead the socialist construction by relying on its revolutionary spirit and combat capacity.

    It is the basic requirement of the Songun politics that accelerates the overall socialist construction with the revolutionary army as the pillar. This is because the Songun politics is the firm guarantee for overcoming all difficulties and trials successfully creating miracles and innovations in all fields.