The principle of the Songun revolution is the starting point and basis of the Songun idea. The principle means that the revolution is started, advanced and completed with arms and the army is the Party, state and the people.
- The revolution is started, advanced and completed with arms.
Leader Kim Jong Il said that WPK’s idea of giving precedence to the military affairs is based on the revolutionary principle that arms guarantee the victory of the revolutionary cause and the independence and prosperity of the country and nation.
That the revolution is started, advanced and completed with arms means that the origin and development of the revolutionary movement and its victorious advance and completion are accelerated and guaranteed by the powerful revolutionary arms.
The revolution is first successfully started with arms. The revolutionary movement is started with the struggle for the social and political independence of the people. The struggle for the independence of the people is to establish independent rights of the people as master of the state and society free from national and class subjugation. What is important in the struggle for the people’s independence is to take the political power.
The struggle for shattering the old social system and winning the power is accompanied by the severe confrontation with counterrevolutionary forces. The reactionary exploiting classes resort to all means to press down the people’s revolutionary struggle and maintain their power. On this condition, the people’s revolutionary movement for the social and political independence is needed the strong military forces. It is the immutable law of the revolution that the people’s independence can not be realized without relying on the revolutionary armed forces. It is also the truth proved by history of the revolutionary struggle of the working class of the past one and a half centuries.
The revolution is next advanced and completed with arms.
The strong arms of the revolution enables one to ac
The strong arms of the revolution guarantee the decisive victory in the military front against the imperialists. One can never frustrate the military repressive forces of the imperialists only with the anti-imperialist slogans or denunciations and the world public opinion. Only by the strong military power can one shatter the imperialists’ military repression and aggression and ac
In developing all fields of social life revolutionarily, the strong arms of the revolution are also the main guarantee for decisive victory.
Arms of the revolution guarantee military security of creative struggle of the people who develop all fields of social life revolutionarily.
Arms of the revolution play important role in transforming all fields of social life revolutionarily. The revolutionary army, the revolutionary collective who holds arms of the revolution, plays important role in awakening the masses, changing their ideological and spiritual life and consolidating the political forces of the society by cementing social unity.
It shows that powerful arms of the revolution guarantee the start, advance and completion of the revolution.
– The army is the party, the state and the people.
The principle clarifies the role of the revolutionary army in the people’s cause of independence. It concretizes the principle that the revolution is started, advanced and completed with arms.
That the army is the party, the state and the people means that the revolutionary army decides the latter’s destinies.
The struggle for the independence of the people is conducted in the severe confrontation with the counterrevolutionary forces. Without the guarantee for the powerful arms, the revolutionary party and the political power can neither fulfill their mission and duty nor defend the people’s independent rights and dignity.
The Songun idea gives a scientific explanation on the correlation between the army and the party, state and the people, on the basis of this, newly clarified roles of the revolutionary army in the cause of independence of the people.
First of all, the revolutionary army is the party in the revolutionary struggle.
This means that only when there is army, can there be the party.
The revolutionary party is inseparable from the revolutionary army in the revolutionary struggle.
The party can attain its aim of realizing the independence of the popular masses by relying on the revolutionary army and the army can fulfill its mission under the leadership of the party. That the revolutionary army is the party means that the revolutionary army guarantees the existence, development and the might of the party in the revolutionary struggle as the leading political organization. There can never be revolutionary party without the revolutionary army.
Only by the revolutionary army, one can successfully push ahead the founding of the revolutionary party.
It was general phenomena to declare the party founding before organizing the revolutionary army in most countries that carried out revolution up to now. Of course, the party founding may be declared first before organizing the revolutionary army. However, the cause of the party founding can not be completed with the declaration of the party.
Only when the revolutionary army is first founded and relied on it, can the party founding be smoothly and successfully pushed ahead. In order to found the party as the leading political organization, it is important to cement the organizational and ideological foundation of the party and build broad mass foundation. Only when one relies on the revolutionary army, one can successfully carry out this task.
The revolutionary army fights against the enemies of the revolution with arms with the do-or-die spirit. It produces backbone forces and cadre ranks of the party, that are more revolutionary and united than any other classes, strata and social collectives. It enables the party ranks strengthen organizationally and ideologically. It makes harmonious whole between the army and people to successfully expand the mass foundation of the party.
Next, only by the revolutionary army can the party be defended and maintained.
It is none other than the revolutionary army who defends and strengthens the party from all kinds of attacks and infringement of the enemies of the revolution.
The mission of the revolutionary army is to shatter the imperialists’ and reactionaries’ counterrevolutionary violence and to defend the party with their lives. A party can never maintain its existence before the counterrevolutionary violence without the army’s military protection.
The party can fulfill its leading role in the revolution and construction only by the revolutionary army. It is because that the revolutionary army supports and defends the party. Only then, it can hold the position of realizing the political leadership over the society. It can also fully display its might as the headquarters of the revolution only when the army upholds the idea and the leadership of the party in the van.
Next, the revolutionary army is the state in the revolutionary struggle.
The revolutionary army and the revolutionary power have commonness in their characters, mission and aims and share their destinies. They are both political weapons for the realization of the people’s independence. The revolutionary army defends the people’s sovereignty and interests with their arms, whereas the revolutionary power realizes the interests of the people with the policy of the state. The correct policy of the state can not be realized properly without the army’s powerful military supports.
In this way, the birth and development of the revolutionary power are made by arms and pushed ahead by the revolutionary army. Therefore, the army is the state in the revolutionary struggle.
Next, the revolutionary army is the people in the revolutionary struggle.
This means that only by the revolutionary army can the people defend their independent position and dignity and enjoy independent and creative life.
The revolutionary army is composed of the fine sons and daug
Without the revolutionary army, the people can never realize their intrinsic demand to live and develop independently free from all sorts of subjugation and fetters, exploitation and oppression.
Only by the revolutionary army can the people defend the position as master of the state and society, glorify their dignity and enjoy independent and creative lives.
Arms of the revolution guarantee the safety and happiness of the people. Arms of the revolution are the independence of the people and the destiny of the army is that of the independent people.
Like this, the army is the people in the revolutionary struggle.