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Three Essential Projects for Regional Rejuvenation

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un advanced the Regional Development 20×10 Policy in January 2024 in order to hasten the epoch-making regional development, comprehensive regional prosperity and, in the days of organizing and leading the efforts for implementing the policy, put forward the task of building public health facilities, cultural complexes and grain management facilities, along with the construction of regional industry factories.

Kim Jong Un said that the newly added three projects are absolutely conform with the Party’s regional construction policy, the policy of giving importance to science and technology and the popular policies and they are essential for the implementation of the state building programme to bring about balanced, simultaneous and many-sided development of the whole country. He said that it is, therefore, an immediate task to carry them out.

He stressed that the Party’s regional development policy in the new era should not be confined to the construction of light industrial factories but be the inclusive one covering public health, science and education and only then can it genuinely contribute to the improvement of material and cultural life of the regional people and radically enhance the efficiency of regional development.