This development is one of the important contents of the law of domination and transformation of the world by man.
General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.
"With the development of his independence, creativity and consciousness, man's position and role as the master and transformer of the world are strengthened. This is expressed in his transformation of nature and society."
This law of development of the world in correspondence to the development of man shows the aspects of the domination and transformation of the world by man in a rising form.
The development of the world correspondingly to the development of man means that the world develops according to the level of independence, creativity and consciousness.
The speed and degree of development of the world by man depend on the development of man, namely the development of independence, creativity and consciousness of man.
His independence, creativity and consciousness are formed and develop on the basis of social practice to transform nature and society.
Man generalizes the experience gained in the process of this social practice to remake nature in order to develop science and technology and converts them into material means and develops his creative ability to remake nature. He also generalizes the experience gained in the social practice to reorganize social relations in order to create and develop independent ideology and revolutionary theory and develops revolutionary ability.
With the development of social practice, it deepens and widens with deeper and diversified experience. With this development, more people participate in social practice and their social relations become closer. As a result, people's independent ideological consciousness and creative ability develop. And with this development, people can get rid of subordination of nature, preparing favorable material, social and political conditions to activate their labour to conquer nature and revolutionary struggle to transform society.
The development of social practice raises complicated and arduous tasks, requiring higher level of ideological consciousness and creative ability. So, they develop along with the development of social practice and people's position is strengthened and their activity increased. As a result, domination and transformation of the world by man are accelerated.
The development of the world in correspondence with the development of man finds its expression in the fact that the development of the world is accelerated in correspondence with the development of people's independence, creativity and consciousness.
First, nature develops fast in correspondence with the development of man.
We can observe evolutionary development process at a certain rate in nature itself. But it takes place according to the law of nature that blindly governs and is so slow compared to the transformation and development of nature by man.
On the basis of his cognition of nature, man transforms nature purposefully. The development of nature by man is, therefore, considerably fast compared to the evolutionary development of nature itself.
People can cognize and actively accelerate the development of nature that may take place thousands of years of its own accord. They can ac
This is proved by the fact that social productive forces, the criterion for man's domination over nature, have grown faster and faster along with the development of history.
The transition from stone tools to iron tools took hundreds of thousands of years, from the use of mill stone to the use of steam engine-powered mill took thousands of years, from the introduction of machines to automation took only hundreds of years. In the early 20th century only, humanity succeeded in production of airplane and after a few decades since then, it produced space shuttle to fly to the space.
The rapid development of atomic physics and high molecular organic chemistry, particularly the development and introduction of information science and technology, biology, robot engineering, new material engineering, nano technology and other sophisticated science and technology--this proves the accelerated development and transformation of nature by people.
Society also develops fast in correspondence with the development of man.
The history of social revolution is the history of the growth of people's revolutionary ability to transform society. Long history of humanity tells that the stronger people's revolutionary ability becomes, the faster society has developed.
The primitive society developed very slowly and converted to slave-holder society 6,000 years ago. Considering of the origin of human being as millions of years ago, the existence period of the primitive society was so long as it took the absolute majority of human history. And slave-holder society existed for 4,000 years, feudal society for about 1,000 - 1,500 years, and socialism emerged only hundreds of years after the birth of capitalism. With the development of society, the existence period of exploiter class society existed for shorter period. This tells that the growth of people's revolutionary ability accelerates the development of society.
In particular, in socialist society where the people are masters of the state and society, social development gets free from all sorts of exploitative class and anti-popular social system that hamper the social development, and people's independent ideological consciousness and creative ability grow very fast all over the society. As a result, this society develops considerably fast beyond comparison with the exploiter class societies.
The accelerated development of the world according to the development of people's independence, creativity and consciousness and to the growth of their activities is the objective law that governs the domination and transformation of the world.
This Juche-oriented law of the development of the world tells it is necessary to constantly enhance independence, creativity and consciousness to activate the struggle to transform nature and society as the revolutionary struggle and construction get intensified.