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The World Develops By Man's Initiative Actions and Role

    The Juche idea scientifically clarifies the essence of the world and the law of its change and development in the relations with man.

    The law of the change and development of the world clarified by the Juche idea is the law of the transformation and development of the world that governs in the relations with man.

    The world consists of man, nature and society. Nature and society are not automatically transformed into the world for man without the action of man. The process of the development of nature and society in the present world is, in essence, the process of transformation and change made by man. Therefore, the law of the development of the present world is the law of development of the world by man.

    The law of domination and development of the world by man clarifies essential and necessary links of the development of the world by man.

    This law has the contents that the world develops by man's positive actions and roles and in the direction of serving man and in keeping with the development of man.

    General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.

    "The world is changed for the benefit of man only by his energetic activity."

    That the world is changed for the benefit of man by his positive actions and roles is the law that clarifies the decisive factor which determines the domination and the development of the world by man.

    The world develops by man's initiative actions and role. This means that the world develops by man's independent, creative and conscious activities.

    Man's positive actions and roles towards the world is the process of his energetic activity for the domination and transformation of the world. This is, in essence, the independent, creative and conscious activity of man. Through man's independent, creative and conscious activity, man ceaselessly transforms the world as he desires.

    That the world transforms and develops by man's positive actions and role reflects the essential and necessary links between man's peculiar activity and the change and development of the surrounding world.

    There are various factors acting in the development of the world and there are always basic factor and cause that determines the effects of the development. The cause is the main factor that produces effects, and the other factors that have influence upon interactions between the cause and effects become its conditions.

    In the past, arguing the development of the material world, one regarded the fundamental factor that determines the change and development of the things and phenomena as the contradiction. This means that the struggle is caused and development is made by the struggle because of the unity of the opposites.

    This was the view that gave priority to the movement of nature in which there is no fundamental qualitative difference among the interacting things and phenomena and there is no special being that plays active role. But the relations between man and the surrounding world are the relations between fundamentally different beings. Between man's activity and the movement of the surrounding world there are fundamental difference like purposeful and conscious and positive actions and blind and passive movement. It is useless to talk about that purposeful and conscious and positive actions and role are incomparably powerful than blind and passive movement.

    Man approaches the world not passively but actively, not blindly but purposefully and consciously. The process of man's activity is the process of displaying his independence, creativity and consciousness. The independent, creative and conscious activity is the man's peculiar living method. Man lives as the master of the world and conducts purposeful and conscious creative activity for the development. Man alone in the world can positively act to the surrounding world and plays a decisive role. Therefore, the world is transformed and developed by man's positive action and role.

    That the world develops by man's positive actions and role finds its expression in that nature and society are transformed in the interests of man only by his energetic activity.

    Nature is transformed to serve man only by his independent, creative and conscious labour activity.

    Nature never turns to rational circumstance that serves man of its own accord. Nature changes blindly and spontaneously. On the contrary, nature sometimes destroys ecological circumstances of the people or brings about great disasters. Nature is tamed and comes to serve man only by active role of man.

    The active role of man to remake nature is labour activity. Labour activity is independent and creative activity conducted by man to realize the life demand of the master of nature. Life means and material and technical means necessary for survival of man are created by labour activity that turns natural circumstances into favorable one.

    All changes of nature that had turned into man's life circumstances from the dawn of human society to the present is the fruit of the millions of years long and tireless labour activity of the people. It is inconceivable about the transformation and the development of nature like today without active struggle of the people who desire to live and develop as the master of nature.

    Next, society is also transformed and developed only by man's positive actions and role.

    Social conditions and circumstances favorable for man are not automatically provided. In case of hostile society, those conditions and circumstances do not serve an independent and creative life of the people but serve as fetters that give innumerable pains and sufferings to the people.

    The social conditions and circumstances suitable to the man's intrinsic nature are provided only by the energetic struggles of the people. The old social system and life do not disappear of their own accord. All forms of old and reactionary forces are not willing to give up their positions, desperately interrupting the transformation and change of social system. Therefore, even though the people desire for the abolition of the old system, the old system is not replaced with a new system automatically. The process of achieving social progress accompanies fierce struggle against the forces that try to maintain old social system. Unless the old reactionary forces completely disappear, their resistance against new system and life continues.

    On the other hands, the preparation of the social conditions and circumstances suitable to man is not finished by the establishment of a new system and the creation of new life. Man's independent desire and demands continuously enhance and accordingly new system and new life are continuously consolidated and developed. But progressive social system and life are not preserved of their own accords or not consolidated by themselves.

    It is inconceivable about the development and defence of new system and life without man's active struggles.

    This all shows that the development of the world is achieved only by man's positive actions and role.

    That the world is changed by man's positive actions and role does not mean that there is no other factors which act to the transformation and development of the world.

    Man's activity is always conducted in the certain conditions and circumstances. The conditions and the circumstances can ensure man's activity or interrupt it according to their character and contents.

    Favorable natural and geological conditions and circumstances make the activity of the people who transform and change nature easy and efficient, and unfavorable ones make it more difficult. In reactionary and anti-popular social system, it is difficult to transform the society.

    The objective conditions and circumstances do not decide the result of man's activities for transformation and development of the world. The objective conditions are merely objective factors that have influence upon domination and transformation of the world by man. It is not conditions but the character, contents and level of active role of man that decide the transformation and development of the world. It is man who transforms and develops the world, and the level of the development of the world depends on the degree of man's activities.

    It is inevitable that the world is transformed by active role of man. Herein lies the law of the development of the present world.