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Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“Independence is an attribute of social man who is desirous of living and developing in an independent way as master of the world and his own destiny.”
Independence is an attribute of man who is desirous of being master of everything, the attribute of man who is desirous of living and developing as master of nature, society and himself.
Independence is an attribute of man who is desirous of living and developing in an independent way free from all kinds of restriction and subordination.
To live freely without being subordinated to anything is one of important attributes of man. Animals live by adapting themselves to nature. Unlike them, man does not allow all kinds of subordination and restriction but conducts ceaseless activities to liberate from them.
Man does not live as a victim that submits to actions of such natural environment as drought, flood, typhoon and earthquake which give destructive influences on his life but struggles to get rid of subordination by unfavourable natural and geological conditions and environments. Man is not also desirous of living in subordination to others socially and ceaselessly wages a struggle to rid himself of social subordination as long as it exists.
Independence is an attribute of man who is desirous of making everything in the world serve him.
Man struggles against all kinds of restriction and subordination not merely to live freely. Man is not satisfied only with overcoming natural and social factors that give unfavourable influences on his existence and development but makes the surrounding world subordinate to his will.
Man conquers nature to change it into conditions and environments helpful for his life and transforms things and phenomena of nature into useful means of living. Man transforms unfavourable social relations to meet his will and demand to provide social environment favourable for his existence and development. Man’s activities not only to make nature and society serve him but to oppose all kinds of restriction and subordination are not accidental and temporary but inevitable and consistent.