What is human being?
This question has been argued for a long time and had different distorted answers.
Human being could not tolerate them because of his intrinsic attribute.
It is natural that human being’s thinking, study and efforts to know what kind of being he is, have constantly been continued along with history.
The question can not be stopped asking until his intrinsic attribute is fully explained. There was a great event that clarified the essential characteristics of human being and his position and role as master of the world. The Juche idea was founded.
The Juche idea scientifically clarified that man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness and that he occupies the position of master of the world and plays the role as such. Thanks to the Juche idea, it was clarified for the first time in history that human being decides his own destiny.
Destiny of human being that had been decided for a long time by the will of the god or ruling class could be done by himself at last.
As a result, the question was stopped asking.